Daily Record

My tremor agony at hands of disgraced brain op doctor

Mum of three left with pain like electric shock after surgery by Eljamel


A MUM of three has told how she had to travel to England to get a botched operation by disgraced brain surgeon Sam Eljamel repaired.

Mary Ramsay put her faith in Professor eljamel when she was told an operation could help control her long-term tremors.

But she was left in agony after an electrode in her brain was found to be in the wrong place by specialist medics in Newcastle.

Eljamel worked at Nhs tayside from 1995 until he was suspended in 2013 after complaints from dozens of patients.

Many were left with crippling aftereffec­ts from his botched ops and a police probe has been demanded.

He has now moved to libya – where he continues to carry out brain surgery. But mary, 67, believes he should be brought to justice in scotland.

She said: “the surgery was suboptimal – not up to the required standard – and I had to have surgery to replace an electrode.

“I’m not sure if eljamel was negligent or just careless but I do know he should not have been allowed to continue to operate for as long as he did.”

Mary, from Inverness, was born with a condition known as essential tremor but she wasn’t diagnosed until she was 47.

Her local hospital, Raigmore, referred her to Ninewells hospital in Dundee in 2004, where she saw eljamel. essential tremor is a neurologic­al condition affecting about 80,000 scots which causes shakes and slurred speech and can affect sufferers’ ability to write or even feed themselves.

At the time mary’s speech was slurred and she shook. People often wrongly thought she was drunk and she had to endure a lot of verbal abuse because of it.

She said: “my whole body shook and with all the abuse I got I didn’t want to go out. Unless you have been through it, you can’t understand what it’s like.”

Eljamel gave her hope of a brighter future. She said: “He told me all they could do was deep brain stimulatio­n.

“he said they would put electrodes in the brain, coming down behind my left ear to a pacemaker. I asked for a couple of weeks to think about it, I wanted to speak to my husband and other people close to me.

“I decided why not – I’ll go ahead with it.”

Mary had her first surgery in 2004. she required four surgeries and had an electrode fitted by eljamel. she was told to have a couple of months at home before everything was “switched on” – but was left in agony. she said: “It could be fine some days, then others I would get a pain in my head like the shock you get if you touch a plug with wet hands.”

Due to the pain she was sent to Newcastle’s Royal Victoria hospital where they found one electrode was not in the correct position.

Surgeons there had to carry out a further procedure to fix it.

Mary is one of many patients calling for a public inquiry into the eljamel scandal. Nhs tayside was asked to comment.

I’m not sure if Eljamel was negligent or careless


 ?? ?? ORDEAL Mary had to have surgery to replace an electrode in her brain
ORDEAL Mary had to have surgery to replace an electrode in her brain
 ?? ?? ROGUE DOC Sam Eljamel and, above, our stories on the scandal
ROGUE DOC Sam Eljamel and, above, our stories on the scandal
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