Daily Record

Brenda and Renee give us hope of catching George’s murderer

String of cold case successes lifts the spirits of relatives of murdered taxi driver

- By jon hebDiTch

DESPERATE relatives of a taxi driver murdered with a cheese wire more than 40 years ago have been given fresh hope after cops solved a series of cold cases.

“Kind and gentle” george Murdoch was killed after he went to pick up a fare in his cab on thursday, September, 29, 1983 in Aberdeen.

His loved ones have long since battled for answers to the crime, which remains unsolved.

george’s uncle Alex McKay and his wife Robina now say that recent conviction­s in the historic murders of Caroline glachan, Renee MacRae and Dr Brenda Page have given his loved ones hope that justice may one day finally be served.

Robina said: “Both the Brenda Page and Renee MacRae cases in Inverness are encouragin­g.

“Caroline’s case was very sad, but it is also good to know that case has now been solved. It is very important for the public to see no matter how old unsolved crimes are there is always not only hope but a certainty that they can be solved.

“Here, there are no obvious suspects, such as in the Brenda Page and Renee MacRae cases. So this case presents challenges different to the others

“It is good to see that police are still intent on reviewing cold cases in an attempt to achieve justice for the victims and closure for their families.”

Police made a breakthrou­gh in george’s case last September with the discovery of a DnA profile which could help solve the 58-year-old’s murder.

Robina added: “Alex and I believe that george’s case has benefited greatly from fresh eyes on it and a renewed determinat­ion to finally solve it.”

Robina also revealed the family still receive tips on the crime, as appeals continue to identify a man in an Iron Maiden t-shirt in Wilson’s Bar on Market Street in 2015.

She added: “Several have been of real interest to police, some they’re still working on. they follow every one up, irrespecti­ve as to how strong or promising the informatio­n.”

Robina and Alex, who run the george Murdoch campaign group, also encouraged the public to keep coming forward to them with tips online.

A reward for informatio­n on george’s murder in the Pitfodels area of the granite City currently stands at £50,000.

Detective Inspector James Callander said: “the george Murdoch enquiry comes with its own challenges but the DnA will hopefully help bring it to a conclusion.

“It’s been a huge breakthrou­gh for us.”

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PoPUlaR Cabbie George was killed after picking up a fare
 ?? ?? cRiMe scene Police at the spot where George was murdered
cRiMe scene Police at the spot where George was murdered
 ?? ?? bReaKThRoU­ghs Conviction­s in Brenda Page and Renee MacRae cases
bReaKThRoU­ghs Conviction­s in Brenda Page and Renee MacRae cases
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George was killed with cheese wire
gRisly George was killed with cheese wire

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