Daily Record


Probe finds US officers had reason to shoot Scot


POLICE in the US who shot dead an expat Scot outside his home were justified in their actions, a probe has found.

Gregor Fleming died after cops were called to a disturbanc­e in hampden township, Pennsylvan­ia.

they opened fire on the 44-year-old, from thornlieba­nk, near Glasgow, after he moved towards them with a gun on March 7.

Gregor moved to the US in 2013 and had been due to get married in october to US fiancee Kelly thompson, who watched the incident.

Medical assistant Kelly, 47, said she had no issues with the officers’ actions.

She has told how he had been depressed and drinking heavily around the time of his death after a scan indicated he may have cancer. cumberland county district attorney Sean Mccormack has now ruled the shooting was justified under the law and no action should be taken against the two officers involved.

his probe found Gregor ignored warnings to drop his gun and deliberate­ly pointed it at the officers.

Mccormack considered the cops’ body cam footage, an in-vehicle dash cam video and statements from witnesses and the officers.

his report stated: “officers ordered Fleming to drop his weapon. he did not do so and continued to walk towards the officers.

“When he reached the centre double yellow lines of the roadway, Fleming raised his left arm and deliberate­ly pointed the firearm at the officers.

“to protect themselves and any public behind them, two hampden township officers fired their firearms at Fleming.

“Fleming was struck three times in the torso and once in the upper thigh.

“immediatel­y after Fleming fell to the ground, officers began to provide first aid to him and the ambulance staged nearby was brought into the scene to provide life-saving aid. Despite these efforts Mr Fleming died at the scene.”

he added: “Where the actor believes that force, in this case deadly force, is necessary for the purpose of protecting himself, or others, against the use of unlawful force by such other person or persons, then the force is justified.

“the force Gregor Fleming was threatenin­g to use against the officers was the type that was intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to police and others.

“Therefore, the Hampden Township officers were justified in using deadly force to prevent the death or serious bodily injury to themselves and the public.”

Kelly described Gregor as a “selfless, kind, generous and loving person” who was an “amazing stepfather” to her four kids. She said: “he had been in severe pain since February after breaking his back and on top of that the imaging found a mass on his oesophagus that was likely cancer.

“he spiralled out of control and started drinking heavily and became suicidal.”

Officers ordered Fleming to drop his weapon sean mccormack in report on shooting

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DePResseD Gregor Fleming

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