Daily Record

General knowledge quiz

- Solutions in Monday’s Daily Record


1 Which Russian revolution­ary died in 1940 in Mexico following an attack with an ice axe?

2 In which country was African explorer Mungo Park born in 1771?

3 In which European capital was Nelson’s Pillar partially destroyed by a bomb in 1966?

4 What licence was first introduced in the UK on 1 June 1946 at a cost of £2?

5 In what type of ancient Roman building would you find a caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidariu­m?

6 In which county were the infamous 1612 Pendle witch trials held?


7 Ichabod Crane is a character from which 1999 horror film?

8 Which Russian composer wrote Pictures at an Exhibition and Night on Bald Mountain?

9 Who starred opposite Richard E Grant in the 1987 black comedy Withnail and I?

10 Which instrument’s full name comes for the Italian for ‘quiet loud’?

11 Which 2007 comedy starred Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as terminally­n ill me with a wish list?

12 Who played naturalist Dian Fossey in 1988's Gorillas in the Mist?


13 What colour are the flowers of the chicory plant?

14 What was the first name of the English physicist Hooke’s Law was named after?

15 Which element is the lightest known metal?

16 What type of creature is a boll weevil?

17 In medicine, what is urticaria also known as?

18 Russian physiologi­st Ivan Pavlov is known for his study of conditione­d reflexes in which type of animal?


19 In snooker, who was the first player to make 1,000 profession­al centuries?

20 Born in Louisiana in 1992, with which sport is Odell Beckham Jr associated?

21 New Road is the home ground of which English county cricket club?

22 In which year did jockey Lester Piggott win his ninth and final Epsom Derby?

23 In the final of rugby union’s 2003 World how did England’s Jonny Wilkinson score the winning points?

24 How old was Rafael Nadal when he won his first men’s singles title at the French Open in 2005?


25 In which country are the cities of Kandy and Galle?

26 How many countries in South America are landlocked?

27 What is the largest province of the Republic of Ireland?

28 Which mountain is also known as Mount Godwin-Austen?

29 In which body of water does Bahrain lie?

30 St Anne is the chief town of which of the Channel Islands?

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