Daily Record


Scheme was set up to ease pressure on A&E


A FLAGSHIP policy to tackle chronic A&E waiting times is facing the axe in Scotland’s largest city.

Hospital at Home was hailed as the solution to massive queues at casualty department­s, allowing elderly patients to be treated at home for minor health issues.

But a report on proposed cuts to health and social services has recommende­d axing the service.

The latest figures show half of all patients arriving at A&E are not seen within the four-hourtarget – way below the 95 per cent target. Successive health secretarie­s have looked to extending Hospital at Home services to ease congestion at hospital front doors and prevent ambulances queuing up outside for hours at a time.

But now Glasgow’s Integrated Joint Board (IJB), which co-ordinates health and social services in the city, proposes to axe the service. In papers to be discussed at the board meeting next week, there is a plan to halt the service as part of cuts designed to save £14million. The report admits “all the evidence points to the success of this model”.

But officials warn that “significan­tly more investment is required which is currently not available from Scottish Government or the Health Board”. Labour MSP Jackie Baillie said: “This is nothing short of an abandonmen­t of some of the most vulnerable in our society.

“Cutting a service that is proven to work will heap more pressure on our hospitals which are already at breaking point.

“This could endanger lives and the SNP government must step in and provide the resources so the decision can be reversed.”

Sean Clerkin, of the Scottish Tenants Organisati­on, said: “The implementa­tion of these shortfall cuts to health service in the community and social care will devastate the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable.

“All councillor­s should demand that John Swinney as First Minister should provide extra resources to fund these lifeline services in Glasgow.”

A spokeswoma­n for Glasgow’s Health and Social Care Partnershi­p

said: “An updated report will be available on Monday which will defer the decision on the Hospital at Home service until the June IJB meeting.”

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said: “Our officials are engaging with Glasgow’s IJB to find solutions that not only address financial pressures but put the needs of local people, particular­ly those most vulnerable, at the centre.”

 ?? ?? ViTal Service sees patients treated at home and takes pressure off hospitals
ViTal Service sees patients treated at home and takes pressure off hospitals
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 ?? ?? ANGER Labour’s Jackie Baillie
ANGER Labour’s Jackie Baillie

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