Daily Record

Tot saved neighbours as blaze ravaged flats

Alloweigh alerted mum to billowing smoke


A GIRL of two has been honoured for her quickthink­ing which saved two neighbours from a fire.

Alloweigh Frame rushed to alert her mother after she spotted smoke billowing from a block of flats.

She insisted mum Isla, who was in the kitchen at the time, call firefighte­rs.

The 38-year-old initially thought her daughter, who is neurodiver­gent, had only seen a fire on TV but she soon realised the danger was real.

She said: “I was making dinner and she started screaming at me, ‘Mummy, Mummy, fire, hot, fire, burny.’

“She grabbed my jeans pocket and dragged me through the house and I looked out the window and there was smoke billowing out the windows.”

Isla said she feared people could be inside the blazing groundfloo­r flat, near her home in The Glebe, Lanark, and called 999.

She added: “The fire brigade came and it took them two hours to put out whatever it was. There was a gas supply as well so it could have been a lot worse.”

Firefighte­rs found two people in the building and brought them to safety.

Isla believes the pair could have been injured if it hadn’t been for Alloweigh.

The tot has since received a special award at Lanark Community Fire Station.

Alloweigh was also treated to a tour of the station and a seat in a fire engine.

Station commander Paul Mathieson said: “For a twoyear-old to have the confidence and awareness to identify that something was wrong and then alert their parents is very impressive.” Isla said a representa­tive of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) Family Support Trust was nearly in tears as they talked about Alloweigh’s response to the incident.

She added: “He said, ‘Thanks to your little girl there are two people walking the streets today that might not have been.’ It’s crazy. I’m super-proud of her.”

The team at Lanark fire station have also invited Alloweigh to take part in a charity car wash to raise funds for the trust, which supports serving and retired SFRS personnel and their families.

she started screaming, ‘Mummy, fire, hot, fire, burny’


 ?? ?? STaR Alloweigh at fire station
PRiZe Tot with her award and sitting in fire engine
STaR Alloweigh at fire station PRiZe Tot with her award and sitting in fire engine

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