Daily Record

Tagliatell­e carbonara

Serves 2, ready in 20 minutes


• 200g dried tagliatell­e

• 6 smoked back bacon rashers all visible fat removed, cut into small chunks

• 250g mushrooms, thinly sliced

• 3 egg yolks, plus the white of 1 egg

• ½ small pack fresh chives, snipped

From the storecupbo­ard

• Low-calorie cooking spray

1 Get started by cooking the pasta according to the pack instructio­ns.

2 At the same time, put a non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat and spray with low-calorie cooking spray. Tip in the bacon and cook for 5 minutes or until browned, stirring often. Set aside on a plate.

3 Give the pan a good wipe with kitchen paper then add the mushrooms and spritz with low-calorie cooking spray. Season lightly and cook for 3 minutes or until done how you like them. Return the bacon to the pan and keep it all warm.

4 Beat the egg yolks and egg white with some seasoning in a bowl. Drain the pasta, reserving some of the cooking water. Quickly stir the eggs into the hot pasta to create a creamy, silky sauce, then add the bacon and mushroom mixture. If it’s looking a bit too sticky or thick, loosen with a little of the pasta cooking water.

5 Stir through most of the chives and divide between plates, then grind over plenty of black pepper and sprinkle over the remaining chives to serve.

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