Daily Record



1. How many teeth should a human adult have?

2. What was the maiden name of the mother of Queen Elizabeth II?

3. Which sweet yellow liqueur consisting chiefly of brandy and eggs originated in the Netherland­s?

4. For what sort of sweet is the French town of Montélimar famous?

5. Which five-line form of comic verse was popularise­d by Edward Lear in the 19th century?

6. Which American actor starred in On the Waterfront, The Godfather and Apocalypse Now?

7. By what name is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, used as a flavour enhancer in foods, known?

8. What is the name of Homer’s wife in The Simpsons?

9. What name is given to the molten rock that may be extruded from a volcano as lava?

10. What was the nom de plume of British short story writer Hector Hugh Munro? 11. Of which Caribbean country is Port-auPrince the capital? 12. What name is given to the wind pattern that brings heavy rain to South Asia from April to September?

13. Which French composer wrote Danse macabre and The Carnival of the Animals?

14. What is the first book of the New Testament?

15. Which English member of the clergy and novelist wrote the novels Alton Locke and Westward Ho!

16. Of which South American country is Lima the capital?

17. Which distinctiv­e pyramidal mountain on the Swiss-Italian border is known as Mont Cervin in French?

18. What name is given to the scientific study of language?

19. By what name was Russian tsar Peter I known?

20. Which Dutch artist painted The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp and The Night Watch?

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