Daily Star Sunday

SAS poised to evacuate Brits from Turkey ELITE TROOPS IN RESCUE BID

Cruise at centre of ‘suicide mission’ probe


EXCLUSIVE PATRICK WILLIAMS SAS troops are on standby to evacuate British holidaymak­ers from Turkey amid fears of another military coup.

Defence chiefs have drawn up emergency plans to rescue thousands of families if the security situation worsens.

The SAS – together with members of the Special Forces Support Group – is primed to fly into key tourist areas if the country slips into civil war.

Members of the elite regiment will be fully armed. And they will be cleared to open fire if local troops threaten any rescue mission.

One senior defence source said: “Turkey is on the brink. If there is another coup attempt then civil war will follow. If that happens there will be a major internatio­nal crisis.

“Every country with nationals living in or on holiday in Turkey will be attempting to rescue them and we intend to be ahead of the game.”

Hundreds of civilians have been killed since an attempt to overthrow the country’s president was launched a week ago.

And British diplomats fear that Turkey, which borders Iraq, Iran and Syria, is now so unstable that further bloodshed is inevitable.

Hundreds of civilian jets, military transport aircraft and helicopter­s will be used in any operation to help an estimated 50,000 Brits flee.

Many would be able using holiday airlines. But the British Government fears thousands could be trapped in the panic to escape.

RAF Akrotiri, the British base on Cyprus less than 100 miles from Turkey, would be used as a staging post for the operation.

Royal Navy warships already in the Mediterran­ean will also be called into action if Prime Minister Theresa May orders that the evacuation should be launched.

British troops will establish “secure zones” inside Turkey and at airports to aid the airlift. An SAS recce team has already arrived in Cyprus, while other members of the unit are in Turkey monitoring the situation.

The defence source added: “We have contingenc­y plans ready to go. The SAS have conducted evacuation operations before, most recently in Lebanon, but nothing on this scale.

“If Turkey slips into civil war it could end up as a second Syria.”

Some Britons have already cut short their holidays after President Recep Erdogan, inset, began rounding up thousands of people allegedly linked to the coup.

Others are still heading out to Turkey after being told they would not get a refund if they cancelled.

Meanwhile, Brits stranded in the coup aftermath have posted pictures of deserted beaches.

Angela Bailey, 46, from Essex, said: “No news being given out by hotel staff – we are having to use social media to find out anything. Flight is tonight from Antalya so just waiting.

“Nowhere near as many people out and about or on the beach, so obviously a sense of wariness.” to leave MOVIE megastar Tom Cruise has been “threatened” by a wannabe suicide bomber.

The man phoned the Church of Scientolog­y in Los Angeles and mentioned Cruise – a member of the controvers­ial organisati­on.

Police in Los Angeles are investigat­ing the bizarre incident. According to FRANCESCA ROBBINS police documents, the caller claimed he was a Muslim and sang “Allahu Akbar Tom Cruise” down the line before hanging up. The phrase Allahu Akbar means “God is greatest” and is often used by terrorists during an attack.

The police are taking the call seriously, landing the 54-yearold Top Gun star in the middle of an active terrorism investigat­ion.

Reports say the caller also offered his services as a bomber to the Church, which has been closely identified with the Hollywood legend for decades. The caller said he “liked to do suicide bombings”, adding: “Are there any bombings I can do?”

The LAPD have obtained a search warrant to examine phone records.

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SPECIAL MISSION: SAS will help get Brits out of Turkey SAFER BET: Spain
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