Daily Star Sunday


Gunman flees after five die He walks Labour leadership poll


JEREMY Corbyn won a massive landslide victory in the Labour leadership election yesterday.

The left-winger insisted he wanted to “wipe the slate clean” after he trounced Owen Smith with 61.8% of the vote.

In his victory speech in Liverpool, Mr Corbyn repeated lines from the maiden Commons speech of slain Labour MP Jo Cox who was shot and stabbed in June.

He said: “Always remember in our party we have much more in common than that which divides us.”

He added: “I will do everything I can to repay the trust and support, to bring our party together.”

But union leaders warned there was much work to do to unite the fractured party after the contest, triggered by a vote of no confidence in Mr Corbyn by his own MPs.

Matt Wrack, the general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, described the battle as “bruising and unnecessar­y”.

Unison leader Dave Prentis added: “Jeremy Corbyn has won because he’s captured the imaginatio­n of party members.

“But the scale of the political challenge facing Labour EMILY HALL cannot be ignored. The party already faced an uphill battle to convince the British people before this unhelpful leadership contest.”

Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham said the divisions could soon be too deep to heal.

He warned: “We can’t have another year like we have just had otherwise the difference­s may become irreconcil­able.”

Turnout for the election was even higher than last time, with 77% of the 654,000 eligible casting their vote.

Mr Corbyn also improved on his last win, where he secured 59.5% of votes.

Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson told MPs to get ready for an early General Election and “taking on Theresa May and the Tories”.

But Conservati­ves were quick to dismiss Mr Corbyn as “unelectabl­e”.

Party chairman Sir Patrick McLoughlin said: “One hundred and seventy-two Labour MPs don’t think Jeremy Corbyn can lead the Labour Party – so how can he lead the country?”

Owen Smith offered his rival “congratula­tions” on the victory. THIS gunman, pictured on CCTV, was last night still at large after shooting dead five shoppers in a US department store on Friday.

Police launched a manhunt after the slayings in the Macy’s branch, but the armed killer remains on the loose.

The gunman opened fire at the Cascade Mall in Burlington, Washington State, at about 7pm local time. FRANCESCA ROBBINS Four women from the make-up section died at the scene.

A man was taken to hospital in a critical condition but later died of his wounds. The murderer was described as a “Hispanic male wearing grey” and was last seen still armed.

Police claimed there was no indication of terrorism.

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MAKING A POINT: Jeremy Corbyn celebrates his landslide win
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