Daily Star Sunday

Irish jihadi in suicide explosion


DEAD: “Terry Taliban” ROBIN COTTLE AN IRISH jihadi dubbed “Terry Taliban” has blown himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq.

Khalid Kelly died in Mosul on Friday night as fighting in the war-torn region continued.

The 49-year-old terrorist, who was born Terence but has also been calling himself Abu Osama Al-Irlandi, was converted to Islam in a Saudi Arabian prison in the 1990s and radicalise­d soon afterwards.

He has previously gone on record praising the 7/7 bombers who targeted the London transport network as well as the 9/11 attackers.

Kelly has also been arrested for threatenin­g to kill US President Barack Obama on a visit to his hometown of Dublin.

And the dad-of-three was pals with jailed British hate preacher Anjem Choudary.

An Islamic State spokesman released a statement announcing his death.

He was reportedly one of five jihadis who carried out suicide car attacks in Mosul.

Speaking in 2009, Kelly said: “I am from Dublin but I am no longer a Westerner.

“I am a Muslim. I am living 60 miles from the Afghan border.

“I may travel there and if I came across a Dubliner in a British Army uniform I would not have any problem in fighting, bombing or killing him as I would anyone who is harming Muslims.”

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