Daily Star Sunday

Boyband deny a bust-up

Si struck down by G-Force


NO ROW: 5 After Midnight JAMES INGHAM BOYBAND 5 After Midnight have denied rumours they will split because of backstage fighting.

The talented trio admitted having the odd argument but dismissed claims they are at breaking point.

In our exclusive interview, band members Jordan Lee, Nathan Lews and Kieran Alleyne revealed they had sorted out their problems in a heart-toheart session.

Setting the record straight, Nathan told me: “We argue at petty things like family do but nothing important. “We’ve taken time out this week to speak about it and have some heart-tohearts.

“It is a singing competitio­n, so of course we all would love to sing a bit more. But it is what it is.

“We heard rumours that each of us were unhappy, and if you hear or read something enough you start to actually believe it.”

It has been a stressful week for Louis Walsh’s boyband after their song choice was switched at the last minute.

The change resulted in a big bust-up with rapper Honey G. Jordan said: “Our song had been changed so we were rehearsing late and Honey G complained about the music.

“We were annoyed as she’s always playing her music loud but we have kissed and made up now.”

Chatting just before their performanc­e of The Spice Girls’ Say You’ll Be There, Jordan added: “This week has been hell.

“It is so stressful – I’m getting four or five hours sleep a night. “We are being drilled left to right and from pillar to post.”

Asked if there was tension in the house due to Honey G’s success, Jordan added: “Of course we would be gutted if we lost out to Honey G.

“She has a huge following and has talent but I think there are other talented people in the competitio­n.” EXCLUSIVE ED GLEAVE SIMON Cowell has predicted Honey G could pull off the biggest upset in X Factor history by winning the series.

Hunky Matt Terry has been the clear favourite to win with the bookies for weeks.

But recently the rapper, real name Anna Gilford, has won over viewers with her wacky performanc­es.

And Simon is now convinced Honey G may come out on top.

He said: “It’s going to change. I thought I knew which act would win. But now I’ve changed my mind.

“Anything is possible. Part of me is thinking, ‘I don’t know what’s going on’. But the other part of me is laughing. It’s Honey G. She’s doing great.” Honey G’s odds of winning have gone from 66/1 to just 14/1 with online bookies Betway since the start of the live shows.

She is ahead of talented singers including Saara Alto and Samantha Lavery.

Betway spokesman Alan Alger said: “Love her or hate her, Honey G has sent The X Factor into a spin and is attracting plenty of attention in the betting.

“In reality, there is no way she should be winning a singing competitio­n, but punters have backed her heavily.”

The series winner will release their single within hours of the final, which is expected to be on December 11.

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