Daily Star Sunday

‘Sexy unicycle stripper left me wobbling at the knees’


BRITAIN’S Got Talent turned X-rated when a stripper went full frontal at the auditions.

The wannabe tried to impress the judges by shedding her clothes while riding a unicycle.

But the act didn’t go to plan and she ended up flashing at the judges.

Amanda Holden, 46, admitted she enjoyed seeing some nudity.

In an exclusive chat, she said: “We had a stripping unicyclist at one audition – and that is not an easy thing to do. She had a cracking figure as well.

“It was a large stage though and her legs were wobbling and she was stripping as she cycled. We got to see everything! Simon Cowell reacted as you’d expect – his face did not move.”

Producers will be forced to cut some of the footage because the show is aimed at a family audience and goes out before the 9pm watershed.

Insiders have warned the audition ED GLEAVE TV Editor may have to be completely ditched to avoid a backlash from viewers and a probe by TV watchdog Ofcom.

Amanda added: “When it goes out on TV they will probably put Ant and Dec’s faces on her bits.”

Even if show chiefs decide to play the footage, Amanda reckons the series is still great viewing for all ages.

She said: “It is rare these days that you can sit down and safely watch TV on a Saturday night.

“Apart from the stripping unicyclist everything’s the same this time.”

This year’s hopefuls have included scores of youngsters including magician Issy Simpson and comic Ned Woodman – and Amanda reckons it’s great for the show. She said: “This year half of the golden buzzers we picked are for children. We’ve pressed it for acts you would not expect.” Amanda has been on the BGT judging panel since the show was launched a decade ago. But she still feels guilty when she turns acts down. She said: “You either make their dreams come true or completely kill them.” BGT has pulled in bumper ratings this series – last weekend’s episode had the biggest audience of the year so far. The panel, Amanda, Simon, Alesha Dixon, 38, and David Walliams, 45, inset, has not changed in six years because bosses love seeing them together. Amanda said: “David and Simon are still having a romance even now. It is nice to have someone on there who can overpower Simon.”

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