Daily Star Sunday

Bunny girl pet death quiz No.2


ISOBEL DICKINSON A BUNNY breeder whose giant rabbit mysterious­ly died on a United Airlines jet also lost a record-breaking bunny in 2009.

Amy, at the time the world’s largest rabbit, had a heart attack after travelling from her Worcester home to Milan.

She was booked to appear on the Italian version of Record Breakers but died in a hotel before the show.

Amy was 4ft long, weighed 3st, slept in a dog kennel and cost £10 a day to feed.

At the time, Annette Edwards described her pet’s death as a mystery. She said: “She was healthy, not that old, and the vet had deemed her fit to fly.”

Last week, former Playboy model Annette demanded answers from United after her rabbit, Simon, died after leaving Heathrow.

The valuable bunny was on its way to the States after being sold to an unnamed celebrity.

Simon was on track to out-grow 4ft 4in dad Darius, the world’s biggest rabbit.

The airline could now face a legal claim from Annette who said: “Simon had a vet’s check-up three hours before the flight and was fit as a fiddle.

“Something very strange has happened and I want to know what. I’ve sent rabbits all around the world and nothing like this has happened before.”

Annette, 65, who hires her rabbits out for £500 a pop, once spent £10,000 on plastic surgery to look like busty cartoon character Jessica Rabbit.

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