Daily Star Sunday


Dad shed 7st for daughter

- by ISOBEL DICKINSON Chief Reporter isobel.dickinson@dailystar.co.uk

A DAD who was too fat to play with his daughter has shifted an incredible seven stone in time for Father’s Day.

Rob Whittingto­n, 40, weighed 21 stone after years spent gorging on takeaways and unhealthy meals.

He was so big he couldn’t join his five-yearold daughter Imogen on the rides at their local park.

But Rob ditched the junk after a terrifying scare in which he was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack.

And he has now managed to rid himself of his “dad-bod” in time for Father’s Day today.

Rob, from Eastleigh, Hants, said: “My daughter loves it now I can play on the swings and slide with her.

“I feel lucky to be here this Father’s Day and will never take my health for granted again.”

Traffic officer Rob became morbidly obese after he started working for the Highways Agency. Eating on the road made him reliant on high-fat service station snacks, while staying in hotels meant cooked breakfasts and three course evening meals.

He said: “It was creeping on and on and I knew I had to tackle it but lacked the motivation.”

At the height of his problems Rob wore an XXXL size jacket and 44-inch trousers.

He said: “I was always tired and lacked energy. Everything is an effort at that size and weight.”

But the turning point came when he was rushed to hospital with chest pains after a meal out with his wife, Donna, 36, and his daughter.

Rob said: “I feared I was dying. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I was so angry with myself for letting my health and weight slip so badly.

“The thought I might be taken from my family because of my weight made me so ashamed.”

Medics could find no cause for the chest pains and he was discharged. Immediatel­y afterwards he contacted a weight loss expert and started the Cambridge Weight Plan, replacing all meals with products including shakes, smoothies and bars.

Rob’s BMI was over 44 – dangerousl­y high. But in the first week he lost 8lbs. Within two months he had lost two stone. Rob continued slimming until he reached 13.8 stone.

He said his daughter Imogen helped him by reminding him not to eat too many biscuits and to snack on healthy food instead.

He said: “I really wanted to set the right example to her about healthy eating.”

Now having lost seven stone he says he loves playing at the park with his daughter who likes telling people how much smaller her daddy’s tummy is now he’s healthy.

 ??  ?? OBESE: Rob decided to lose weight after a heart scare
OBESE: Rob decided to lose weight after a heart scare

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