Daily Star Sunday

‘The Corrie canteen is lethal!’

- Rianne Ison

Soap newcomer Nathan Graham on adapting to his new life on the cobbles and why he now needs to watch what he eats…

James Bailey has been hiding his sexuality since he first stepped foot on the famous Coronation Street cobbles. But this week he fears his secret could come spilling out when a blast from the past, his dad’s mate Danny, shows up at the Bistro.

Viewers will see the pair clearly have a romantic history and now Danny has come out to his friends and family, James begins to wonder whether he’s going to expose him, too.Torn over whether to tell his dad, Ed, that he’s gay or bide his time, football player James finds himself in a seriously tricky situation. What will he do?

Here, Nathan Graham, the 28year-old actor who plays James, teases what’s to come. He also tells us how he’s settling into the soap and reveals his Hollywood heroes…

Hi Nathan! It’s a big week for James.What’s in store?

A guy called Danny arrives in Weatherfie­ld and starts working as a temporary manager in the Bistro. He previously worked with James’s dad Ed, so the family all know him well.

What’s the deal with Danny?

Danny was married but he’s since come out as gay to his family and friends, and when he comes to Weatherfie­ld he tells Ed he’s now out, too. James and Danny have a little bit of history, so seeing him in his new home puts James into a spin.

How worried is James that their romantic past will be revealed?

Very! James doesn’t want his dad to find out in a way that doesn’t directly come from him. So it’s hard for him to decide his next move. Does he try to keep Danny quiet or does he come out to his dad?

What reaction have you had since you joined the soap?

Sometimes people look at me like they know me and when they see me in the street, they double-take. But it’s nice. When James came out to Bethany last year one guy messaged me and said he went through something similar and it wasn’t easy for him, but he thought I played the moment well.To hear that from someone who has been through it themselves is a big thing. When you’re representi­ng a community, you don’t want to do a disservice to anybody.

We hear your family are big Corrie fans. Have they been down to set?

Not yet but I will definitely bring them to work at some point. They’re so excited. I couldn’t ask for anything more as they’re really encouragin­g and supportive.

Do you feel settled?

Yeah, I do. I didn’t straight away but it helped that everyone’s so nice. And everyone wants you to do really well and hit the ground running. We all cheer each other on and there’s support everywhere in the building.

Were you starstruck by anyone from the cast?

When you see people from the TV it’s strange but then you realise they’re all normal people. It’s weird as you can be in someone’s house three hours a week, so we feel like we know them but obviously we just know the character.

Was acting always your plan?

Yeah, I’ve danced and acted from a young age.

I used to do musical theatre when I was growing up then two years ago I decided I wanted to focus on acting.

I did lots of classes and workshops and I managed to get this massive opportunit­y with Corrie that I grabbed with both hands.

How about a dream role? Would you fancy Hollywood and movies?

As a kid, you want to do it all. You see other actors and people that inspire you and want to aim high like them. Like Joaquin Phoenix in Joker. He was unbelievab­le.

Have you got any other acting heroes?

One of my other favourites is Denzel Washington. To watch him and see what he does is incredible.

What’s your workout routine like?

I try to go to the gym when I have time. When I’m busy, I only get there three times a week, but if I can, I’ll go about six. I like to do a mixture of everything – weights, cardio and also boot camp classes. I have to because the Corrie canteen is dangerous! I have to stay in shape as I’m playing a footballer.That’s my motivation now.

Are you any good at football?

Probably not as good as James is but I like to think I’m all right!

What else do you get up to at the weekend?

Every now and then there are nights out with the cast, for a big occasion. But mainly I like to relax and chill out with friends. I love watching shows like Sex Education and After Life.

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James and Ed bump into old pal Danny at the Bistro
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