Daily Star Sunday

ON THE WILD SIDE A real sharpshoot­er


WITH all the flooding and storms, birds and animals are in even more upheaval than we are. In such turbulent times unusual wildlife can show up anywhere, so keep an eye peeled.

THERE are monsters lurking in the depths of lakes, ponds and canals all over the UK.

Anywhere you can find well-weeded, slow-moving water there is a chance a beast will be hiding and waiting to strike. Yes, today we take a look at the mighty pike.

We only have a single species of pike in the UK, but the fish has still managed to worm its way into legend.

With beautifull­y camouflage­d stripy bodies, rows of razor-sharp, backwards-pointing teeth and a face that only a mother could love, the pike certainly looks striking.

They can grow over a metre long and weigh as much as a decentsize­d dog. The official record for a pike caught in the UK was a little over 20kg, but bigger individual­s have been caught abroad.

Unsubstant­iated legends tell of fish of 30 or 40kg, but it is hard to tell what is credible and what is the exaggerati­on of excited fishermen.

There were no pike in Ireland until the 1500s, but they now thrive there. Pike have evolved for speed, with their anal, dorsal and tail fins very close together at the back of their bodies.

They lie in wait in thick weeds and reeds, barely moving, waiting for prey to swim past. They can propel themselves at ridiculous speeds from standstill, like a torpedo, and spear prey – so it’s appropriat­e that the name “pike” came from a type of stabbing weapon. Pike will eat absolutely anything they see that looks like food and can fit in their mouths. Bigger examples don’t even care if their food is dead before they get to it. Cannibalis­m is common and they have been known to die while trying to swallow another pike whole. Young fish (called pickerel or jack) rely on heavy vegetation to avoid hungry elders.

There are reports of them attacking paddling dogs and even the hands and feet of unwary swimmers. Understand­ably, pike are not popular with trout and salmon fishermen as they eat their prized catches. They are eaten in Europe but have so many bones many people are reluctant to try them.

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CATCH OF DAY: Pike can grow huge
JAWS: Nothing is safe from this voracious fish CATCH OF DAY: Pike can grow huge
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