Daily Star Sunday

‘No-one seems to care’

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AN IRAQ War veteran has become the 12th member of the same regiment to kill himself in the last three years.

Former Rifles soldier Lance Shingler had been “screaming for help but no-one was listening”, his devastated partner claims.

Hayley Gough, 32, watched helplessly as Lance died in hospital after overdosing on his medication last month.

She claimed that the dad of two was repeatedly failed by the mental health profession­als responsibl­e for his care.

The 34-year-old had been crippled by post-traumatic stress disorder since leaving the Army in

2008. He had tried to kill himself twice before.

Lance lost nine pals in the Iraq War, in which the Rifles saw some of the worst fighting. It has since lost more veterans to suicide than any other regiment. Lance became the 12th member of the Rifles to kill himself since 2018. At least six of the others were known to him.

Hayley said: “Lance should be alive today. His death was not inevitable. Too many members of the Rifles have taken their own lives and no-one in government seems in the least bothered.” Lance, who had been working as an HGV driver, was diagnosed with PTSD in 2012. Hayley, from Birmingham, said: “Lance suffered from survivor’s guilt. A lot of his friends were killed in Iraq and Lance always wondered why he survived.” Lance tried to kill himself in 2018 and again last year. Hayley added: “I knew from the way he was speaking that he would try and kill himself again. He needed help but no-one seemed to listen or care.”

Lance was in the care of Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust. Hayley claimed: “The treatment he received was disgusting. Not one person seemed to understand what Lance was going through.” Hayley said that she had told her children Riley, eight, and Elliey-Jaye six, that their father had died.

She said: “He was very close to the children, they were with him all the time. I think it’s all a bit surreal for them.”

She added: “The NHS should be employing counsellor­s with military experience who can relate to veterans. We can’t just carry on telling our children that daddy’s dead.”

 ?? EXCLUSIVE SEAN RAYMENT ?? FRONT LINE: The Rifles in Iraq and, below, Lance with his partner Hayley
EXCLUSIVE SEAN RAYMENT FRONT LINE: The Rifles in Iraq and, below, Lance with his partner Hayley

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