Daily Star Sunday

Eco maniacs giving kids nightmares


Write to me c/o Daily Star Sunday, One Canada Square, London E14 5AP

CLIMATE change protesters believe there is nothing they can do nor any protest they can stage that cannot be justified by the validity of their cause. We’ve already seen cities and towns brought to a standstill, pink yachts dumped on roads to cause maximum inconvenie­nce and people being denied the opportunit­y to go to work. Last month, the immaculate lawns at Trinity College, Cambridge, were dug up and the turf and soil dumped in the nearby branch of a bank they had decided to target. Police just watched, not wanting to be seen to be denying the human rights of the protesters! They should have been nicked for wanton damage and fly-tipping. Last week, environmen­tal campaigner­s forced 97 Barclays branches to close.

What gives these people the right to stop bank staff getting to work and people accessing their money?

They also feel no compunctio­n in denying passengers the right to go on holidays by forcing the closure of airports. Their justificat­ion is that they are saving the planet.

What arrogant, uncaring, smug nonsense from these self-styled eco warriors. Of course, for the Tarquins and Olivias who come down from the shires to cause this mayhem, this is all just a jolly lark and their trust funds will ensure they don’t lose a day’s pay.

When they cause disruption they just trot out the tired mantra that “we don’t have a choice, we’re sorry for any inconvenie­nce – we have to get our message out”.

This Government has already pledged to drag us out of our petrol, diesel or hybrid cars and vans within a few years and brought forward the target for when we will be carbon neutral.

So why don’t these people go and protest in China, India or Brazil, where the climate message seems to go largely unheeded?

It was also shown last week that these campaigner­s are, quite literally, giving children nightmares.

A BBC Newsround survey found 17% of their audience had bad dreams or anxiety and trouble sleeping as a result of fears about climate change.

Again, these scare stories are justified by campaigner­s as being important to get the message over to younger people.

Just what don’t they get?

Of course they have the right to demonstrat­e, but they don’t have a “monopoly” on protest. And the eco cause is not a “get out of jail free” card.

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