Daily Star Sunday

Being wrecked by vile abusers


- ■ by ED GLEAVE TV Editor edward.gleave@dailystar.co.uk

TROLLS have given Apprentice star Lottie Lion so much abuse she is now scared to go out in public.

The librarian, 20, who divided opinion during her stint on the BBC show, is struggling to cope with the backlash against her.

She said: “It’s nearly been a year since The Apprentice aired and I’m still getting abuse in pubs and stuff. It’s absolutely destroying me and I don’t know what to do.

“It makes me terrified to go out in public. What am I supposed to do, not go? Am I supposed to just stay inside and not live my life? I don’t know what to do any more.

“I can’t cope with it. I can’t cope with any more nastiness about me.”

Lottie added: “I hate myself more than any of you ever could. So when you tell me how much you hated me and how annoying you found me, or how nasty I was or how ugly I am or f***ed up my face is, or how ugly my nose is or whatever, I know.”

Lottie broke down in tears as she spoke out about her ordeal in a video on her social media. The post was a desperate bid to stop people targeting her. She said: “I think it’s really important that people can see the effect that words have. I’m really sorry. But just please leave me alone.

“I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have gone on the programme. I wish I hadn’t. It’s my biggest regret.”

As she posted her video in the early hours of yesterday, she added: “My mental health is deteriorat­ing rapidly, due to abuse.”

Lottie’s former co-star Thomas Skinner has since reached out to offer her support.

He posted: “Ignore unkind words of others, ur a strong independen­t woman an have a big future ahead of you!

“Keep your head down an keep smiling. You’ve got this. Even a beautiful Flower needs Rain to grow. Keep moving forward, I’m here if you need for a phone call or chat.”

 ??  ?? UNDER ATTACK: Lottie is ‘destroyed’
UNDER ATTACK: Lottie is ‘destroyed’

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