Daily Star Sunday

My Segway shame weight loss



A WOMAN was shocked into losing weight after she was told she was too fat to ride a Segway scooter on a hen do.

Hannah Guthrie, 30, and her group were all weighed before being allowed to try out the vehicles at the start of her pal’s party.

But at 20st, Hannah was told she was too heavy as riders had to be 18st or below. “Embarrasse­d and ashamed” she turned her life around as soon as she got home.

The charity co-ordinator, of Stockport, Greater Manchester, said: “It was so awful.

“It was my new boyfriend’s sister’s hen do. A lot of her friends I hadn’t met before, other than his sister and mum.

“I was really excited at first. I’d never tried a Segway before, it didn’t even occur to me that my size might be an issue.

“Part of the induction process was to be weighed. They told us you had to be under 18 stone.

“I was so embarrasse­d after they weighed me and I was told I couldn’t take part as I was over the limit. Hannah added: “I sat on a picnic bench after having to explain to the group why I couldn’t join in, trying so hard to hold back the tears, and watched everyone else enjoying themselves. I knew something had to change.” Through healthy eating and sessions at Clubbercis­e – an exercise class where people dance like they are on a night out – she slimmed down. Hannah now weighs a healthier 14st and has gone from size 22 down to a 14. She added: “I really stuck to my healthy eating. I knew I couldn’t carry on as I was, I had been bingeing most nights on sweets and chocolate.

“I also went to the gym, took up swimming and running and joined an amazing Clubbercis­e class where you dance yourself thin. It’s like a night out!’’ Hannah said: “I see myself every day, so I don’t realise how much of a big change it is until I see old pictures. I finally feel attractive, it’s all been so worthwhile!’’

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 ??  ?? BEFORE: Hannah at 20st. Below, Segway scooter
BEFORE: Hannah at 20st. Below, Segway scooter

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