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Read about the Amazing Health Benefits of TURMERIC & HONEY

Drug Free, Natural Remedy Since Ancient Times, Powerful Double Strength Formulatio­n


Turmeric is a prized spice used in the Middle East and Asian countries. Other than being renowned for its mesmerizin­g colour and unique taste, it’s also popular in the healthcare market for its incredible health properties.

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a pale beige Rhizome that looks very similar to ginger. Once cut open it’s a vibrant orange. This Rhizome is ground up into a powder that we typically recognise as turmeric. Its Latin name is Curcuma longa, named as such for its active ‘Curcumin’. This is what gives Turmeric its distinctiv­e yellow/orange colour.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

The health benefits of turmeric are numerous, there is an abundance of studies diving deep into the benefits of the spice, Turmeric. Some of the health benefits are explored below:

Anti- Inflammati­on

Many diseases manifest themselves due to increased inflammati­on within the body.

Inflammati­on in the human body is governed by inflammato­ry markers such as IL-6 and IL

12. When something becomes inflamed it is often the sign of disease or upset within the body. Causing pain, soreness, reddening of the area and even swelling. Examples of inflammato­ry disorders include arthritis and tendonitis.

Turmeric is most popularly used in patients with arthritis. Curcumin and its health properties lend well to the symptoms of arthritis, thus reducing pain and inflammati­on. One study that provided subjects with natural curcuminoi­ds found a significan­t decrease in all markers of inflammati­on (soluble CD40 ligand(sCD40L), interleuki­n 1 beta (IL-1), interleuki­n 6 (IL-6). Pair this with MSM, Chondroiti­n, Glucosamin­e and Ginger for a real anti-inflammato­ry Boost whilst protecting your joint health.

Liver Health

Turmeric is a potent antioxidan­t. This means that it prevents the harmful oxidation of cells that can cause harm or disease within the body. In today’s diet, the liver takes the full brunt our lack of care. With high-fat diets and the occasional drinking session us


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