Daily Star Sunday

‘I’m on the hunt for a husband!’

Reality star Ferne McCann on finding The One, loving her body and why we should all be honest about mental health

- Jenny Kyte and Rianne Ison

When you meet Ferne McCann, one thing always stands out – she’s a powerhouse businesswo­man who balances her career with being a single parent like a boss! But the former TOWIE star, 30, is still hoping that her Mr Right is out there somewhere, so she’s joined elite dating app Raya and has been enjoying a few flirts!

The fitness fanatic has also recently launched a new exercise programme, and is currently filming a new series of her show Ferne McCann: First Time Mum, starring her two-year-old daughter Sunday. Sunday’s dad is Ferne’s ex, Arthur Collins, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence for throwing acid over more than a dozen nightclub revellers at a club in east London in 2017.

So for Ferne, it’s all about making a nice, happy home for Sunday, and making the most out of her passions and businesses.

The reality star tells us more…

And how did you feel about turning 30?

I think you know yourself that little bit more at this age and that feels really good.

Tell us about Embodyment, your new fitness programme, and how the idea came about…

I’ve been into my fitness for quite a few years now and started to realise that I needed to change things up when it came to exercise in order to fit the needs of my own body. I’m at a point now where I’ve found exactly what works for me, in terms of exercise, nutrition, manifestin­g and just living a more balanced life – so it made sense to me to share this with the world. Everything that I’ve brought into this platform is literally how I lead and live my life – I have fun with my fitness and I never take myself too seriously, which I think is so important. Just let loose and have fun, but get fit while you’re doing it! The confidence I’ve discovered in myself going into my thirties has been down to living the lifestyle I share on Embodyment, and I want everyone else to experience becoming the best version of themselves through this platform too.

It’s all about daughter Sunday for Ferne

Hey Ferne! You recently turned 30. How did you celebrate?

Well, what panned out was not at all what was planned. Originally, I had a lovely birthday party idea for 30 of us, but then the COVID rules changed so we had to cancel. That’s life and in the grand scheme of things, not so bad. I did nip off to the South of France with a few friends for a night instead and had a great time. It was lovely. It means I’ll just have to look forward to next year to pretend I’m 30 all over again and do the party then.

I was really excited. I feel in a great place mentally and physically. I also have so much to be thankful for.

Have you always been big on fitness?

I’ve always been into fitness. In my twenties though it was very much about looking a certain way. Now the focus has become about being healthy, strong and looking after myself, and from that, I’ve noticed I’ve maintained my figure and shape.

What’s your favourite part of your body?

To be honest, I feel happy with all my body. I started to really appreciate it after falling pregnant with Sunday. But if I had to pick one area, I’m going to say my bum because I’ve done that many squats that I deserve to say that! Also, I out-trained a roll that was under my bum cheeks. It used to really bug me so my trainer made me do specific exercises and now it’s gone! It proves that consistenc­y in your training pays off.

What’s the best thing about exercising?

It has to be the mental headspace for me. It doesn’t matter how I feel before a workout – tired, grumpy, low – the minute I finish the workout I feel like I could take on the world.

Do you also think it has a great impact on your mental health?

Absolutely. A workout is a mini achievemen­t, it’s an accomplish­ment. Plus, it’s something you’ve done just for you. That’s important. The demands around us are constant so it’s important to make that time for yourself. I do this by adding my workouts to my diary like I would any other appointmen­t. That way you make the time.

What’s your long-term fitness goal?

I think maintenanc­e. I want to be in great shape and be super healthy in my fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond. If I carry on putting the work in now, I can be. I genuinely feel so much better now in my thirties than I did in my twenties. Fitness is as much about what you put in your body to fuel it as it is the exercise. I’ve always been a healthy eater and this is just part of my everyday life. It’s good to set little challenges as well though to keep things interestin­g.

You recently opened up about seeing a therapist. How has that changed your life?

‘I’ve had a few little flirts – when the right one lands, I’ll know!’

I feel it’s important to be honest about things like this and I don’t know why I didn’t speak out about it sooner, because there’s no shame in going to a therapist. It’s really very simple – I needed the help and so I got it and I feel fantastic for it. There’d be a lot less problems in the world if more people went to therapy!

Are you still on the hunt for love?

Yes, I’m still looking for love and have had a few little flirts. Nothing serious. I’m just going to relax and when the right one lands, I’ll know.

What did lockdown teach you about being a single mum?

Like everyone, there were positives and negatives. I’ll never again get that one-to-one time with Sunday and that was amazing. At times it was also so intense just the two of us. It gave me a new-found respect

Ferne’s turned 30 and is feeling better than ever

‘There’s no shamein therapy. I needed help, so I got it’

The star is sharing her regime with the world

She celebrated turning 30 in style for stay-at-home parents and how full-on that role is.

What’s your favourite thing to do with Sunday?

I love a day out where you really see things through her eyes. She loves animals and we recently went to the zoo and her wonderment seeing so many different animals was amazing. The biggest hit for her were the guinea pigs!

What’s next for you?

I really don’t know. I’d love a really big challenge though. I’d love for me and Sunday to travel more together, the two of us exploring the world. Maybe marriage – got to find the husband first though! I can’t wait to see where we take Embodyment and how many women I can help through it.

How does the app work for anyone looking to sign up?

I wanted it to feel like a community and be easy – something that could fit in with everything else going on in your life. I wanted lots of options so you can dip in and out of what you fancy. In my twenties, I was all about the cardio. Now I love a good 15-minute HIIT session to kickstart the day and then yoga in the evening. When it comes to exercise, variety is key.You want to be inspired and motivated. This is why I have so many different trainers and classes, so you can pick and choose depending on your mood.

Embodyment plans start from £49 and are available at embodyment.co.uk

 ??  ?? Ferne’s ex Arthur is in prison
With her former TOWIE co-stars Billie and Sam Faiers
Ferne’s ex Arthur is in prison With her former TOWIE co-stars Billie and Sam Faiers

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