Daily Star Sunday

‘My body is the best it’s ever been’

Dancer Natalie Lowe on becoming a mother, parenting in lockdown and how she got her post-baby figure looking its best


Ex- Strictly Come Dancing pro Natalie Lowe has never been happier. She’s loving life with her baby boy Jack, telling us that being a mum is even more special than she expected.

But it wasn’t an easy journey for Natalie, 40. While on the show, she met and fell in love with her now husband James Knibbs. However, tragedy struck twice when Natalie sadly suffered two miscarriag­es.

With a packed tour schedule and intensive exercise regime, it was clear something had to change. The doctor’s orders were simple – plenty of rest and recuperati­on. Then, last December, two years after leaving the show, Natalie gave birth to her son.

Here, we find out what parenthood has been like for the couple in lockdown and get all of Natalie’s post-pregnancy fitness secrets…

Hey Natalie! How have you found being new parents in lockdown?

Really difficult in the sense that we couldn’t just call James’s parents to come round and help. I think it’s a really unusual time to be a mum and dad for the first time. We don’t have the external resources that you rely on and that literally every baby book assures you you’ll have. I’ve found myself googling a lot of things and being quite self-sufficient.You always worry about whether you’re doing the right thing, though. To be honest, I’ve become really comfortabl­e being in our own bubble. I’m not quite ready to go back to reality.

What’s baby Jack like at the moment?

He’s such a good baby – we’re blessed! I took him out for the first time recently and it’s like he’s only just been born. He’s so fascinated with all the new people and places. But because he’s not used to seeing other kids I think he’s quite confused by it all. He sort of looks as if to say, ‘Mummy, why is there another little me over there?’ A baby in the park started laughing his head off and Jack just burst into tears because he’s not used to the noises. Clearly he needs to get out more!

Is being a mum everything you dreamed it would be?

It’s pretty special – even better than I expected. He makes me giggle so much and watching him just lay there loving life… it’s the most beautiful thing to experience. I love it. All I want now is for him to be happy and healthy. I’m super focussed on being the best mum that I can be. Obviously, I don’t do things the right way a lot of the time.You live and you learn. I did a lot of reading beforehand and I’m not afraid to pick up the phone and ask my mother-in-law for help.

Was leaving Strictly the right decision for you?

Absolutely. It was the best decision for me at the time. I was having a lot of trouble keeping my babies. I suffered two miscarriag­es and after seeing a doctor it was obvious I had to slow down. All the touring and training was too much on my body.

How did you cope with the body changes?

I’ve spent my entire life being a really serious athlete. Training and competing in dance is hard work. I’m talking 12-hour days – including the weekends! Putting on weight is part of being pregnant, but when being fit and in good shape is part of your job it’s hard to shake that mindset.You just have to remember that all the changes are temporary. I’m out the other side now and pretty much have my body back and feel better than ever. I obviously look at things in the upper region and wonder if they’ll ever go back to normal, but I don’t really care. It’s just life and I’m totally comfortabl­e with everything.

‘It was obvious I had to slow down. The touring was too muchonmy body’

You had to have a Caesarean. How was the recovery?

To be honest, there were points where I didn’t feel like I was ever going to recover. It wasn’t until five weeks postpartum that I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel. James was really helpful and I just stayed dosed up on pain relief.

Did you have the urge to ‘bounce back’ into shape?

I wanted to because I knew that it would make me feel good. It took me five months to start feeling like myself again, and six to genuinely believe I could get back into a fitness routine. I started really gentle – just five minutes of walking each day. Then, I increased the time and gradually got back into running. Now I mainly cycle, walk the dog and make sure I’m training my core.

What’s your diet like?

I’ll have a homemade shake in the morning and then I tend to eat regularly throughout the day rather than having three huge meals. It helps keep my metabolism moving and you won’t want to know me if I’ve been without food for more than a few hours! Don’t get me wrong, I buckle. I’ve got the biggest sweet tooth and could eat sticky toffee

pudding till the cows come home, but it’s all about balance.

Any tips for us?

Don’t drink your calories. I live on water and decaf/herbal teas so I’m not wasting calories on liquids. Eat organic, healthy produce if you can. You’ll notice such a difference if you make everything yourself from good ingredient­s. It’s all about mindset. If you can get into healthy habits, you’re well on your way.

How about exercise – what’s it like fitting a fitness routine around nap times?

Jack is a really good sleeper, so I’m super lucky. Once he’s down I’ll take the baby monitor to our little gym space and do a 20-minute run. If I can get an hour – great, but if I can’t anything is better than nothing.

What would you say to mums in the making who are worried about their bodies?

Just embrace whatever happens to you and remember it’s all temporary. You will get control back soon. Do as much core training during your pregnancy to stay strong and just get back to a routine when you feel ready. While you’re pregnant, just focus on listening to your body and feeding it everything it needs.

‘If I couldn’t have a sixpack, at least I could eat a six-pack of nuggets!’

Did you have any weird cravings?

I’d get a banana milkshake every time I went past McDonald’s. And chicken nuggets. I thought if I couldn’t have a six-pack, at least I could eat one instead!

Did you manage any exercise while you were pregnant?

My physio gave me these amazing breathing exercises to help maintain my core strength and realign my body. I know that keeping that up through my pregnancy has helped me bounce back into shape.

 ??  ?? Natalie spent lockdown with her husband James, baby Jack and pet pooch Cooper
Natalie spent lockdown with her husband James, baby Jack and pet pooch Cooper TV LIFE
 ??  ?? With fellow dancers Brendan Cole and Anton Du Beke
With fellow dancers Brendan Cole and Anton Du Beke
 ??  ?? She teamed up with Greg Rutherford on Strictly in 2016
She teamed up with Greg Rutherford on Strictly in 2016
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? She partnered with Ainsley Harriott on the 2015 show
She partnered with Ainsley Harriott on the 2015 show

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