Daily Star Sunday

Boozo & Co take us for plonkers


POLITICIAN­S really are taking the p*ss-up out of us.

While most of us struggle with skyrocketi­ng prices, our pampered MPs get to knock back cheap booze at work.

That’s right, not only do these elected clowns on £80k a year have bars in their place of work, they get to enjoy bargain prices too.

A price list from one of them, Strangers’ Bar (a fitting name considerin­g some of the weirdos who drink there) has been doing the rounds.

A pint of Carlsberg is £3.70 and glass of Malbec £3.30.

At the pubs near the Commons you’d be lucky to get a pint for under £6.

What makes these politician­s and their pals special?

A bod from the House of Gammons claimed the bars are not subsided by us taxpayers. But truth checkers Full Fact soon threw cheap plonk over that claim. Catering services at the Houses of Parliament run at a loss, so they are effectivel­y subsidised.

And the latest figures show that loss was £9.1million, so that’s a lot of our cash being thrown in to help “honourable” members get sozzled and sleazy on the cheap. It needs to stop.

Many hard-working people can’t scrape together the price of a pint.

And pubs are shutting at an alarming rate because their costs are through the roof and people can’t afford to visit. But MPs won’t feel that pain. They get cheap food and booze and probably stick it on expenses.

And they claim back heating bills on their second homes.

They haven’t got a clue. Millionair­e Government minister George “Useless” Eustice proved it this week when he told people struggling to get by to buy value brands from the supermarke­t.

What advice next? Watch Ray Mears and feed your family on leaves and jugs of your own wee?

MPs, just stick your perks, stick your cheap beer and stick your expenses where the sun don’t shine… and get on with making our lives better.

That’s something we would all drink to.

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