Daily Star Sunday

Mourning glory for Her Majesty


DON’T panic... we live in a completely sane country.

It’s totally fine that Heathrow flights were delayed so they didn’t disturb the Queen’s coffin procession.

As for Morrisons’ checkout beeps being turned down as a mark of respect… quite normal.

And it was perfectly OK for a supermarke­t to halt the use of a kiddies’ ride, below, while the “nation is in mourning”.

Pesky toddlers – they need to learn the rules.

Most shops will shut for the funeral, even Greggs.

Damn right.

How dare you think about scoffing a sausage and baked beans snack at a time like this?

And it was quite proper for Center

Parcs to say they were going to kick out holidaymak­ers for tomorrow’s funeral.

They should have obviously volunteere­d to forgo their breaks at such a dark time.

The NHS cancelling urgent appointmen­ts and operations? Why ever not?

And it’s been great to see the police again using their famed common sense. It was totally fine to arrest a guy who had briefly heckled a man who paid a woman £12million to prove his innocence.

As was threatenin­g to collar the man who carried a blank sheet of paper with him in Parliament Square.

The officer involved said that if the chap had written “Not My King” on it he would be arrested under the Public Order Act… because someone might be offended.

Three cheers for that copper. Every stationery shop should be raided and every bit of paper burned, just in case.

It’s what the Queen would have wanted.

And don’t get me started on our TV channels showing 24/7 coverage of the aftermath of the Queen’s death.

How could her subjects even think about watching anything else?

Yes, it’s all perfectly normal right now!

God Save the King?

God Help Us All.

DID anyone else roll their eyes and groan when they saw Charles getting ratty with the flunky who left a pen tray on his desk, inset, or am I off to the Tower? Now then Jeeves, where’s my bloody Bic???

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