Daily Star Sunday

Bozo big baby exit


WHATEVER you think of Boris “Bozo” Johnson, his unseemly flounce is bad for our democracy.

The shamed ex-Prime Minister had dinner with shamed ex-President Donald Trump recently. Mr Clown has clearly learned from Mr Orange.

His extended howl of protest at the committee about to find him guilty of deliberate­ly misleading Parliament is straight out of crazy Don’s manual.

But calling it a kangaroo court and accusing its members of bias is stupid and dangerous.

It holds democracy in contempt and if we lose our already shaky confidence in the people and processes that rule us, much worse options lay ahead.

Don’t forget that Harriet Harman’s report would have not been the end of the affair for Johnson.

There would have been a vote in the Commons, where the Tories have a big majority, then a vote in the constituen­cy he is abandoning, where Conservati­ves backed him in elections.

Bozo was not prepared to take any chances. The big manbaby ran away, throwing toys out his pram as he went.

He is a proven, repeated liar and cheat, but many of our readers still like him and even wish he were still PM.

Again, there’s an echo of the Trump years – where he felt he could say or do anything and get away with it. And, by and large, he did get away with it.

That’s where we are with democracy and politics. Facts no longer matter, scandals are forgotten as a bigger one comes along within days.

Will we be prepared to forget that so many Brits died alone in the pandemic while Bozo partied in No10?

Maybe that will finally be his legacy. Let’s hope so.

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