Daily Star Sunday

Gob squad make me want to gag


YOU can say what you like about free speech…

There’s been a lot of chatter about the right to it lately. Especially from people who say awful things and then moan when they get called out.

Russell Brand is such a fan of free speech he’ll let you sign up to a website and pay £49 a year to hear it.

But anyone who dares criticise the thesaurus-touting tosspot is part of some “media conspiracy” against him.

Laurence Fox is another who shouts about free speech… but the loudmouth luvvie doesn’t like it when others have the opinion he’s in the wrong.

The Lewis star seems to believe the world needs to hear some of the bats**t crazy stuff he comes out with.

To folk like Fox and Brand, all speech should be free – but some speakers should be free-er than others.

The laughable claim of such people is that they are being “silenced” and blocked from saying what they like.

They’re gagged yet still get to spout their conspiracy theories and offensive nonsense to millions on TV, YouTube and social media.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong supporter of free speech.

It’s a fundamenta­l right and we should fight hard to hold on to it – and that means the likes of Brand and Fox should be able to say what they want. But just because you can do that, you shouldn’t be absolved from any kickback over what you say. As a child, you soon learn you can use language to say whatever you want.

You also learn that those words can backfire.

If you are mean or hurtful, selfish or bullying you will one day suffer the consequenc­es.

And that’s why most people grow up and use words with care – to be nice, to be supportive, to bring joy.

Sadly, words can also be used to spread hate, demean and cause harm. They can be used to slander, spread bigotry and misinforma­tion, and cause pain to others.

And those who do such things often fall back on their right to free speech. Give it a rest. Everyone has the right to be a total d***head… but it doesn’t mean you have to exercise that right.

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