Daily Star Sunday

Arabella dares all

- ■ by ISOBEL DICKINSON isobel.dickinson@dailystar.co.uk

LOVE Island star Arabella Chi might have beauty but she also has brawn – and would love to take part in SAS: Who Dares Wins.

The model says it’s the TV show she would most love to tackle… and she reckons they wouldn’t be able to break her.

Arabella, 33, has strutted her stuff for a string of high-profile brands on the catwalk and has even been seen partying on actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s yacht.

But the high-profile influencer is made of tough stuff and really fancies taking on the gruelling Channel 4 show.

Arabella recently ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon, inset, in aid of Prostate Cancer UK – an illness which her dad and uncle both had. She said: “I’d absolutely love to do Celebrity SAS. I think I’d do really well.

“I know they try to break you down mentally. I’m sure they’d do their homework and try to tap into my family’s illnesses, but however hard they try, I don’t think they’d be able to. I just wouldn’t let them.”

The fitness fanatic, who was in Justice League and in Wonder Woman with Game Of Thrones heart-throb Jason Momoa, said she would also love to have a go at being a movie stuntwoman.

She said: “I love doing stunts and I’m also doing a presenting course in a couple of weeks as that’s something I’d like to get into.” Despite having dated a string of hunks, Arabella said looks are no longer

the main factor when it comes to finding a fella. She said: “Five years ago, I would have gone for someone much more because of their looks – but looks fade.

“So for me now, what’s most important is if someone can make me laugh.”

Asked if she fancies stepping into Maya Jama’s shoes and hosting Love Island, the show which made her famous, Arabella said: “Ooooh, I don’t know. I haven’t even done a presenting course yet, so I’m not going to say anything.

“You make your own luck in life and I feel like you have to be happy in yourself. Right now, I really feel happy in myself.

“That’s why I’m excited – I’m excited to see what’s going to come my way.”

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