Daily Star


MY daughter is a great one for making promises she never keeps.

For my birthday I was promised a trip to the theatre, a meal out and a night in a hotel.

But I didn’t even get a card.

This summer she was supposed to be taking me to Spain for a week, but it never happened.

The thing is that she’s not a child (she’s 32) and I’ve given her so much over the years.

She’s had over £5,000 and a car but she’s never done anything for me.

My needs are so far down on her pecking order that they barely register.

It’s the anniversar­y of her father’s death at the end of the month and she did promise to buy a plant and drive me to the cemetery.

I just don’t know if I’ll be able to have anything more to do with her if she lets me down again. JANE SAYS: It sounds as if your daughter is full of hot air.

From promising nights out that never materialis­e to fantasy holidays, she’s simply someone who cannot be trusted.

I suggest you now make your own arrangemen­ts regarding the trip to the cemetery, because you cannot hang around waiting for her to act.

End the handouts and tell her that you’re not interested in any more fairy stories.

Clearly she needs to start growing up – and she won’t do that until she experience­s some tough love.

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