Daily Star



EASTENDERS’ Sharon knew what she was letting herself in for when she married beetrootfa­ced alcy apeman Phil. But that’s no consolatio­n right now as her hubby continues to exceed his recommende­d daily alcohol intake by roughly 5,000 units.

Tonight, though, she has an idea (7.30pm, BBC1). It’s not a great idea, obviously – this is Sharon Mitchell we’re taking about – but one that’s designed at least to take Phil’s mind off the boozing for a while. Basically, she thinks, ooh, let’s have a family Christmas card photoshoot, won’t that be SO lovely-ish?

Phil’s initially about as keen as if she’d offered him a pint of freshly squeezed carrot juice, but eventually agrees nonetheles­s. When he pulls her in for a snog, however, and Sharon smells the booze on his breath, it seems he may have finally pushed her over the edge.

In other Walford news, Shabnam seems unsure how to react when her pregnancy test turns out negative, while Jane upsets Bobby (is she insane? NEVER upset pintsized psycho Bobby Beale...) by suggesting he and Kathy should swap rooms. No big deal, you reckon? Try telling Bobby that... EMMERDALE’s Eric Pollard was warning last night that he’d dish out his own brand of justice if Chrissie escapes punishment in court. But did he mean it? And if so, how far will he go, given that he’s seriously doolally at the moment, bless him. You can find out tonight (7pm, 8pm, ITV) – because let’s just say the verdict doesn’t quite go the way he hopes.

Elsewhere, cheating vet Paddy struggles once again to keep his paws off Tess.

 ??  ?? EASTENDERS: BBC1, 7.30pm
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