Daily Star


I LIKE my former brother-in-law, he’s really saucy and cheeky, but I wish he’d stop sending disgusting clips of himself.

Half a dozen times now explicit material has popped up on my phone uninvited.

I have asked him to stop, but he thinks it’s funny.

He’s accused me of having a sense of humour failure.

I’ve threatened to tell his new partner, but he insists that she wouldn’t care as she’s always sending sexy images of herself to friends.

According to him everyone’s at it.

The other day he even sent me a short film of them having full sex.

When I complained he said that I was supposed to be looking at his dog who was in the background wearing reindeer antlers.

Is he a bit odd or am I out of step? JANE SAYS: Several times you’ve asked this bloke not to send you inappropri­ate material yet he’s still at it.

Therefore I can only conclude that he’s getting some kind of creepy kick out of embarrassi­ng you.

Warn him that unless he backs off, you’ll speak to his partner first and then go to the police about this.

Make it clear that you don’t find it the slightest bit funny.

Tell him as you’re not consenting to anything he’s technicall­y a pest and you won’t be intimidate­d or repulsed by anyone.

Be strong and leave him in no doubt that you’re not joking.

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