Daily Star

JIHADI SID IS DEL BOY OF TERROR He craved whisky and girls

- By JERRY LAWTON, Chief Crime Correspond­ent jerry.lawton@dailystar.co.uk

THE man suspected of being the new Jihadi John was a booze and strip club fan who dreamed of being a millionair­e like Del Boy.

Siddhartha Dhar, who MI5 believe is Islamic State’s new British executione­r, boasted he would be rich within a year of becoming a property developer.

Pals thought it was funny because it mirrored Del Boy’s “this time next year I’ll be a millionair­e” boast in classic BBC sitcom Only Fools And Horses.

Like most of TV character Del Boy’s business ventures, Dhar’s developmen­t firm went belly-up and two years later was struck off the register by Companies House.

Last night a neighbour in Walthamsto­w, northeast London, said Dhar used to enjoy drinking and womanising. The man – who did not want to be named for fear of being linked to Dhar – said: “He was always talking about how he was going to hit the big-time and make it rich.

“He said he’d be driving a Rolls-Royce and joked it would be full of whisky and women. He certainly wasn’t a devout Muslim back then in 2007.

“He had an eye for the ladies and said he’d been to strip club and lapdancing bars. I can’t believe it’s the same guy.”

The security services believe Dhar became radicalise­d after his father died and he converted to Islam from Hinduism.

He was pictured with radical preacher Anjem Choudary at a Muslims Against Crusades protest outside the US Embassy in London in 2011.

Dhar fled to Syria in 2014 to join Isis while on bail for encouragin­g terrorism.

He is understood to be the English-speaking jihadi who branded PM David Cameron an “imbecile” in a new Isis video in which five alleged Brit spies were executed.

Britain’s spy agencies said the hostages had not been working for the UK.

They believe they were with Syrian resistance groups opposed to Isis’s occupation.

Dhar wrote Isis’ guide to life in the caliphate promising a “holiday lifestyle with home comforts”. He said the Islamic State was like a “plush Mediterran­ean resort’ with chocolate bars such as Kit Kat and Bounty freely available.

Meanwhile it was revealed the mother of the Junior Jihadi, ranting against the West in the video, used to wear tight jeans and loved football.

Grace “Khadijah” Dare, who forced her four-yearold son Isa to appear in the film, is a former media student who became radicalise­d at 18.

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 ??  ??    WIDEBOY: How Dhar would look as Del Boy and, clockwise below, in Syria, the video and extract from his guide. Top right, Dhar’s book
WIDEBOY: How Dhar would look as Del Boy and, clockwise below, in Syria, the video and extract from his guide. Top right, Dhar’s book

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