Daily Star


FORGET fad diets, choosing a few healthier foods could help you stay in shape in 2016. This week Lidl stores across the country have loads of offers on options that will help to support you in your bid to detox after the festive excess. Here we reveal some top tips for getting back in shape. Swap chocolate bars or crisps for nuts. Not only are they packed with vitamins and minerals but studies suggest they help you stop putting on weight. Rice cakes can fend off hunger pangs without loading up on the calories and fat.

Dried fruit and nut booster mix, £1.29; Seed mix, 99p; Kallo Rice Cakes milk/dark chocolate or yoghurt topped, 100g, 99p.

Filling your plate with some leafy greens could give your system a boost. Veggies such as kale and broccoli have been linked to helping people avoid cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Plus they’ll fill you up, so you will be much less tempted to munch on higher calorie snacks. Curly kale, 200g, 89p; speciality broccoli, 200g, 99p. Swap high-fat ice cream for frozen yoghurt or sorbet and reduce the amount of meat you eat to reduce the risk of cancer. You could try adding in some veggie sausages just for a change, or making a big veggie stir fry.

Nestle Skinny Cow Caramel Shortcake Iced Dessert, 3 x 100ml, 99p; Linda McCartney’s Vegetarian Red Onion & Rosemary Sausages, 300g, 99p. “MY abs are so hard at the moment you could break cheese on them!” jokes super-fit TV presenter Davina McCall, as she shows off her amazing tummy.

The host of Channel 4’s The Jump, returning to screens later this month, may be 48, but she’s never looked better. In 2014 she completed a 500-mile Sport Relief challenge which saw her run, swim and cycle across the UK. And now she’s on a mission to get the rest of us in shape with a new fitness DVD, 5 Week Fit. Here the mum of three reveals her own diet and exercise secrets in an exclusive interview with the Daily Star’s JAMES MOORE. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Davina says: “Porridge oats with full fat milk, then I’ll have a piece of fruit mid-morning and I snack on nuts such as almonds through the day, which are really great for lowering cholestero­l levels. I eat lots of avocados for exactly the same reason.” What about lunch and dinner? “I’ll often have meat and two veg for lunch when I’m working and then I’ll tend to have a salad and soup in the evening. I do like to have lots of home-made soups in the freezer.” Do you ever allow yourself a guilty treat? “I love a packet of crisps – cheese and onion are my favourite. It’s rare that I let myself have a packet but, when I do, I make sure I fully savour each individual crisp.” What do you drink? “I don’t drink alcohol so I stick to water, tonnes of strong tea and Coke Zero.” What do you think about the idea of a sugar tax like the one proposed by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver? “It’s really worrying about how much sugar there is in everything. It would be nice if we could get companies to reduce levels but I don’t want to get drawn into a political debate. I want to lead by example – I’m more about trying to lead a healthier lifestyle.” What’s your usual exercise regime? “I’m a busy mum, but I try to work out three times a weeks for 50 minutes with my personal trainer and we always make sure we mix it up with a different set of exercises. On a Sunday I might go for a bike ride with my husband, Matthew.” “We’ve ramped it up from my last DVD, 7 Minute Fit, with new high-intensity seven-minute workouts and this year each workout comes with an extra threeminut­e booster for people who have the time and really want to go for it.

“It’s a great regime for people who find they just don’t have lots of time to ABS-SOLUTELY FABULOUS: You can have a body like Davina with the help of her new DVD 5 Week Fit work out. There’s also an abs session and an ultimate fitness challenge – a 21-minute workout that’s there to really test your cardio, your strength and to work your core, all at once.

“The exercises are all designed to get you fit over five weeks.

“I swear that if you do the 10 minutes of high intensi-

DAVINA’S new DVD 5 Week Fit is out now ty exercises every day, you will soon be as fit as a butcher’s dog!” How do you feel about your body right now? “I work really hard at getting my body in shape.

“I feel really good about my body at the moment – and that gives you a lot of confidence.

“And the idea that I might inspire anybody to lead a healthier life makes me very happy.” What are your tips for Daily Star readers hoping to get fit in 2016? “Get out and get moving – remember that getting fit doesn’t have an age limit. And start cooking from scratch. But remember, whatever regime you choose, the most important things is ... just start!”

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