Daily Star


IT’S not like you to let misgivings get the better of you. But, with Mercury out of step, it’s easy for confidence to dent. Shore up your reserves by seeking out a cheery soul whose positive philosophy will lift your spirits. Travelling? Double-check you have not left anything behind. Call me to hear when your status gets a boost.

YOUR stars today are full of intensity. Check things out for yourself if you suspect there’s more to what’s going on than meets the eye. But you know something? What must be, must be, and there is no point fighting against the fates. Call me to hear when to follow up a bright idea.

WHETHER it concerns your work or your health, this is a major week. Finances? Search for the hidden agenda, the small print and the embedded clauses. Despite signs to the contrary, you are on the right lines – as you discover later on. Love is tender tonight. Call me to hear when to begin that important clear-out.

WITH managerial changes taking place this is an appropriat­e moment to rethink your goals and ambitions, especially if you are unsure of the direction life is going in 2016. Be flexible otherwise you could end up scuppering your own plans. Call me to hear when a new phase begins.

TRY not to overstretc­h or overreach today. You’ll be far more successful if you stick to the tried and tested, to the places, practices and routines you know and love. Romance? No-one’s promising you a rose garden, but that does not mean you can’t create one for yourself! Call me to hear when love moves to a new level.

DESPITE certain frustratio­ns, things are taking an interestin­g turn. As you break with an old pattern, habit or routine, a new congenial method of operation comes into play. Relationsh­ips may be tricky but you are moving forward from here. Call me to hear when new romance blossoms.

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