Daily Star


Girl fears gang’s revenge

- By SANDRA WHITE news@dailystar.co.uk

DRUG mule Melissa Reid smuggled £1.5million worth of cocaine for the buzz.

The 22-year-old had said she was threatened by gangsters.

But after being freed from prison in Peru last week, she admitted she did it because she wanted to boast about it.

Melissa, back home in Lenzie, Dunbartons, said: “No-one forced me. I did an awful thing and paid the price. I knew what I was doing. I wanted to be this big person that I’m not.

“Reality kicked in the moment I was arrested in the airport and I realised the gravity of what I had done.”

Melissa “went out of control” working on party isle Ibiza. She added: “An English girl asked me if I wanted to pick up a package.

“I was offered 5,000 euros but it wasn’t about the money.

“I just wanted to be able to boast about it.

“I just went along with it. The guys had guns but I wasn’t threatened.”

Melissa said that she now lives in fear of the drug dealers. She said: “I worry something bad might happen to me and my family.

“You are going to be pretty angry if you give someone over a million pounds worth of drugs and they lose them.”

The other drug mule, Michaella McCollum, 23, from Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, is still on parole in Peru. NICKED: Melissa, right, with Michaella after arrest

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 ??  ??    SCARED: Melissa on way home from Peru
SCARED: Melissa on way home from Peru

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