Daily Star

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Well the GOVERNMENT as shown every taxpayer what lies they have been saying for yrs about saving the NHS – our country has more people paying taxes and contributi­ons than ever before yet nothing for the NHS. proof that they want everybody to go private which means insurance companies will rip everybody off but what about the people who cant afford insurance. NHS GRAFTER Food banks on the increase, est 92,000 kids on streets xmas time along with the war vets, immigratio­n higher than ever, cuts in the emergency services, cuts in the armed forces, pensioners suffering with cuts here and there while they suffer in the cold, all under Tory government but I suppose it’s still labours fault? Valiant Gaz I live in Lincolnshi­re, and the local hospital in Grantham has had to close A&E at night, because of funding. Yet we continue to constantly send billions to oversees aid to countries such as India for trains, race tracks, space programmes. Come on T May, sort out our own first, help others when we can afford it! Mooseman its sicken me 2 the bones wen we get nhs cuts but we can spend millions in forgein aid. pete Theresa May GIVE SCOTLAND INDEPENDEN­CE. Save the British people from bailing Scotland out every year £14.BILLION POUNDS LAST YEAR, that what the rest of the U.K. paid last year to help out with the missmanagm­ent of Scots money by the S.N.P. In more debt than Greece. Give them nothing, let the Nats raise taxes for Scotland. Nat hater Scotland After 500 years of tradition the PC brigade have deemed it not right for Morris Dancers to blacken their faces, and have imposed a ban, in case they upset somebody, why not just ban the colour black? you t ****** . CHINNA MOSHA Just read the article on blacked up dancers in race storm. wot next? some prat goin to complain about our forces blackening up for night missions into enemy territory. Tax I agree women should be allowed to wear what they want on a beach but surely after the Tunisia attack it’s easier to hide a kalashniko­v under a burkini than a bikini. bob the brit Who the hell does lotto winner Jane Park think she is? How on earth can your boyfriend enjoy himself on holiday if he’s not allowed to do anything!? All I can say is that you are a VERY insecure person. If he’s got any sense he’ll dump you NOW – otherwise you, a controllin­g woman, are going to make his life hell! anon did publicity junkie dicky branson crash on purpose 2 get headlines? anonz Katie Hopkins deserves a good public whipping for her disgusting comments about the Camber Sands tragedy. Cheryl Portsmouth jay cornforth & ainsley meanock (the 2 man utd fans who were found guilty of displaying a banner with ‘murderers’ on it 2 liverpool fans) should hav bin jailed. anon Bilic – wily fox! He comprehend­s the kiss of death europa league group qualificat­ion would deliver to west hams league season. Hence astra turfed them out 2-yrs running. Moyes – wily fox! When signing his contract i bet he didn’t declare to the board THEN that sunderland will again be fighting relegation. Another big pay off in february eh david? Must have some dough that feller! MUSCLES LFC What a sad state this Country is in when an a***wipe piece of s*** like Bear can win CBB makes you wonder what kind of pond life would vote for that to win. disgusting person. SusanSurre­y Celebrity Big Brother ive seen every one this is the most disgusting ive seen. Bear should have been out first hes had 4 final warnings and all the food he wasted. Christophe­r Biggins was sent out we never knew what he said it wasnt shown. FIXED. rosa CBB Fix. Won’t bother again. Cleo52 So sam fox wants to re-release her record ‘touch me’ and pose for playboy at 50. She should do some serious acting and have a starring role in ‘twin peaks’ or comedy (two of a kind) anyway i hope the pair them do well. AL,DURHAM If the bbc are re-making Steptoe and Son they have a readymade Albert in J. Corbyn. Tom dunne i wish i still had my first two cars, both ford CAPRIS. a 1971 J reg, with a golden eagle on the bonnet, & a BLACK john player special S reg. cars these days seem to look all the same to me, without the WOW ! factor. cars used to be head turners. anyone agree? TOPPER a wife hits her husband over the head with a hoover – he is very ill but the hoover is picking up nicely. tony p tony worksop Paul Sixsmith forumpics@dailystar.co.uk x factor should be entitled the sob factor! Why do we always have to be subjected to people’s sad stories promoting their songs? Coronets lancs Christian who? I’m getting sick of all these sob stories on X Factor. if I entered I wouldn’t even have to sing and I would win. these people are pathetic and all they are doing is milking it for their own selfish ends. I sat through all that s **** last night for a look at that wee Rosy Mac, the stunner, and didn’t see her once. PATROSH why doesn’t simon cowell bring danni minouge back – best judge ever. lou dundee nicole scherzinge­r whats all the fuss about her. i wont be watching x factor, bring on strictly cum dancing my fav. ben “Nicole has it all says” says Louis Walsh who chose JEDWARD for live shows so I’ll take his opinion with a pinch of salt. ROBIN Why do coffin dodgers like Sir McCartney think its cool to chew gum? Look at yourself on tv silly old fool! FUNKY LEVEN

 ??  ?? where I The estate rough live is that even the wheelie bins are on bricks. Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published ® Any chance u could print a pic of the gorgeous georgia may foote? Text followed by a space,...
where I The estate rough live is that even the wheelie bins are on bricks. Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published ® Any chance u could print a pic of the gorgeous georgia may foote? Text followed by a space,...

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