Daily Star

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Allardyce says he wants a new managers job – his arrogance and belligeren­ce is staggering. Give him a total ban from all football activities like Blatter. biz Sam “entrapment” didn’t win, “GREED” lost. BA new film just been released called Gone In 67 Days starring Sam Allardyce. mic BIG SAM has just proved to everyone how greedy managers can be besides our greedy spoilt footballer­s. big ben. donny now the fa hav the names of 8 current & former prem managers who hav taken bungs – lets c what they do. tony gold, whu ”hey Sam what about that party you promised?” “be patient, as soon as the Champagne and Hampers arrive it’s a GO, er!”. Stew, yks I am NOT surprised that Sam has left England. The F.A. committee are buffoons. If you are without sin cast the first stone. DAVID If you want to know about corruption in football I give you Sam Allardyce, £3 million a year is obviously not enough for him. Jockop ALLARDYCE to be investigat­ed by the F.A. under the microscope... it don’t take long does it? They’re all the same lining their pockets first football second. England will go nowhere. I don’t know how he got the job. the Dodge wake up all u football loving muppets! football is no longer about the game!! all the primadonna­s are interested in is the disgusting amount of money they are paid to work 90 minutes, if that! steve cows iow once again coruption hits poxy boring football! Who gives a sh*te? players are only interested in money! Our ridicules performanc­e yet again in world cup proved that beyond any doubt. dann guildford sy What on earth are the FA doing getting rid of England’s most successful manager eva? 100% win record. Sam can hold his head high! Not Big Sam Challenge for corbyn. As you are so keen to take in more migrants. If you ever get to be pm you CAN PUT THEM UP IN CHEQUE RS. BET YOU WOULDNT DO THAT. Anticorbyn May caves in on Hinkley Folly, we now have – China, France x 2, Japan, NuGen? Korea and Lilliput vying to build, obsolete on completion, nuclear time bombs, er, Plants, with their indestruct­ible radioactiv­e waste on British soil. Why? Whatever the answer is, it’s at a cost to our children, and their health. Bromull putin is a self obsessed deranged leader he should be tried for war crimes in syria and the downing of MH17. PUTIN MAN UP and accept your guilt. paul h scunthorpe Many ppl who have worked 50yrs dont get £15,000 state pension a year and have to pay tax. How and why is that parasite lazy tosser johnson getting to any1 who does’nt like it? Bazboy talk about dangling a carrot in front of a donkey – john mcdonnell promising £10 per hour. how can bosses afford that and be competetiv­e? wheres the money coming from? prices will go up accordingl­y, therefore wont be better off. jk denno, i assume ure talkin bout declaratio­n. It’s been dun many times b4 and will b dun many, many times in future, somerset wud av dun same and prob av in past. I am YCCC 4ever fan since 1955 and don’t 4get we wud av walked title with our 5 eng players missin most of season. Bantaman I really feel for Norman Cook. As if its not bad enough being dumped 4 a younger dude: And told he’s boring too! He has to see zoe Ball’s grinning smug face in the papers now. What’s she thinking?! OZZY, LONDON how does an eskimo stick his roof back on his house when it blows off ? igloos it! disastorou­s derek derby I’ve got a fantastic wife. Until she wakes up. Scouse Lorraine Kelly is in trouble for calling Gemma Arterton normal. First time I’ve heard absolutely blooming gorgeous called normal. andyyork Do you know what’s coming back? Boomerangs. PIP “Whos Doing The Dishes” cheers me up, Brian Mcfadden you are so funny. JEN just completed a jigsaw in 9 months it said on the box 3 to 4 years. tony We in st heilers estate morden we want morden branch of the post delivery to bring our postman Dean back as soon as possible. Susan Jenny Diane, Morden

83010? cosmic kay Bob Bradshaw forumpics@dailystar.co.uk

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