Daily Star

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So war veterans have had a ban on wearing their military berets when they visit a WW1 memorial because it promotes war. This is pc gone too far. These veterans put their lives on the line so we could have freedom. anon Who appoints these self-appointed dictators of madness? Banning old soldiers berets is disgusting. Should we no longer remember our brave dead who fought to keep this country safe? Alex Smart Perhaps the weeping willow memorial could have a notice alongside to mark the victory of PC madness and the death of fair-mindedness in UK. Proud Brit this country is run by softies. drop the charges on all our troops and give them a grovelling apology and compensate them. we’re run by clowns. mrcoffee Gary Lineker needs to pull his head out his a***. Many of these ‘child’ migrants are refu-geniuses of deception, here to take UK for a ride. Den, Perth these so-called child migrants look older than me and I’m 57! And that idiot Lineker should keep his bloody mouth shut. Calstock kid So scruffy corbyn and cant even eat a sandwich properly milliband backs peabrains allen and lineker. Voted labour all my life but never again. anon Surely if the powers that be want our understand­ing and sympathy towards socalled migrant children coming here then why hide them away behind canopys and blinds on coaches? PHANTOM TEXTER With 27 countries to win best deal from unpreceden­ted messy Brexit Divorce ! - All RESPECT to TM for her True Grit, Bottle and Bulldog Spirit !!! Tonto I have to say that the European leaders yesterday are all a load of rubbish they are all like babies who keep on griping about Britain and brexit yin as they have ruined the labour party and are so out of touch with the people of this country. AL. I’M ASKING ANYONE OUT THERE WE’RE FIGHTING A PROXY WAR WITH RUSSIA, WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THEM INTO THE ENGLISH CHANNEL 2 GO AND BOMB PEOPLE WE’RE SUPPOSED 2 BE HELPING? DAVE IN STREATHAM when argh saw tat russian armada in the chanel, i neva rowed m dingy so fast, went up th beach at 40knots, i shuda pay’d em f tat last cargo ov vodka. Pirate To smithy Barrow in Furness: The money supermarke­t advert is just stupid, aimed at today’s “Beards and tattoos” generation. There’s no point getting annoyed about it! CHARLTON GARRY All dogs should have a muzzle on, that would have prevented all the recent deaths from happening. ROB MILFORD My wife is terrified of spiders so i brought home some conkers, she sed i was bonkers but gess wot? No more spiders! Alby Thanks, Bozzie.no mean feat,when a spider has EIGHT LEGS ?! i.k Can someone tell me how much does it costs to send spacecraft to wherever and would it not be better to use the cash to help our own planet? talk about wasting money to look for exactly WHAT? earth calling who needs greggs for scones? There r other bakeries and supermarke­ts 2 go 2. seasickdin­ks shame about Greggs, scone, but not forgotten. me who the hell does Nicole scherzinge­r think she is with her trout pout!!! Pauline brum THE government may ease Bill’s passage?ARTHUR BREXIT If you had to name the single most regrettabl­e thing about your country’s history, what would it be? MARTHUR CONGRATS TO LITTLE MIX ON THEIR 4th NO1. BUT UR NOT SO LITTLE THESE DAYS. SO STOP EATING AT COLEEN NOLAN’S HOUSE. POSITIVE T I was in a taxi on Saturday when it was cut up by another taxi. The taxi driver swore at the other one and actually told him to try using his indicators. You couldn’t make it up. anon I’d rather watch Test Match Bowls than Test Match Cricket. It’s way more exciting. LL COOL Re Hippy Brum, Saw Hawkwind at Leeds Uni in 1972 when I was 15, smelt there too, thought it was Joss Sticks! Great night! PETE YORKS so happy usa back in iraq again, they may leave our olive trees in peace for now. ARFAGREEK I was that ugly as a kid my mom used 2tie a bone round my neck so the dog wud play with me. Alby. Kev Edwards forumpics@dailystar.co.uk

 ??  ?? to my Had a trip centre local garden today. I noticed charging they’re only of soil. 5p for a ton what I Now that’s call dirt cheap!! clued up chris,clacton Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published ® Great news...
to my Had a trip centre local garden today. I noticed charging they’re only of soil. 5p for a ton what I Now that’s call dirt cheap!! clued up chris,clacton Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published ® Great news...

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