Daily Star

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council tax to rise £90 per household over next two yrs to pay for social care of elderly and disabled and these souls wont c a penny of it. The money will disappear into black hole pension funds. How about funding via victorian incarcerat­ion in jails, hard graft, hard tack and all human rights removed and self inflicted illegal drug users denied all medical treatment. That shud cover well above average care for vunerable. Lily the pink To Anne Wolverhamp­ton: You say it is not up to us to fund health and social care so it is wrong for council tax to rise for it. If you mean central government should provide the money that would be us as the only money it has comes from taxes. If you mean individual­s and families should take responsibi­lity then great in theory but many of us would be useless caring for a frail relative. Granted, the council tax rise won’t solve the issue, which has no easy answer. Rupert Fast So the council tax is set to rise? Safer to blame OAPs for living longer than migrant/asylum seekers putting a strain on our community resources. Nastycol I wish people would stop calling us workers, we’re slaves to the goverment and the tax man, thats why they want to outlaw strikes. Work till u die. Brianz re the railway strike etc: Why do they always blame the workers its time managment was brought 2 count – they r only interested in there inflated wages who r useless!!! REBEL How is it workers always get the blame never the companies. They are striking over jobs & closures. SCOUSE hope the people who vote for the tories are happy yet again, you are to blame, now we have more strikes now, that is all we get now since the bloody tories was voted back in power. anne wolverhamp­ton So if you buy a gift from Argos and send parcel via Post Office Mail Train service. This strikes me as not a good idea. Ed Morris London to those who are going on strikes... think your selves lucky you’ve got a job yeah, some of us have been applying for jobs for ages and can’t get a thing !!!! Lucy Avon Jimmy riddle is right, channel 4’s obsessed with shows about those on benefits. Very rarely do you see unemployed people on quiz shows either. The unemployed should be given the same opportunit­y as anyone else to win a few quid. AL if they treat footballer­s like the rest of workers ie PAYE tax evasion would be a thing of the past. Bob leven how can amber rudd ban so called far right groups as terrorist organisati­ons. they not killed or bombed anyone. non pc words not a crime. brian Sick of hearing about so Called “Freedom of Movement’. Lets be Clear, 100ks of Brits arnt moving to Poland, Africa, Pakistan, Romania etc. The Movement is 1 Way. Jk It seems charity doesn’t begin at home. A Christian couple offer their home to asylum seekers while homeless people in this country die in doorways. It’s about time we helped our own needy but doing that doesnt get your name in the papers. Claire Vision I feel sorry for neighbours of smug Mathew & Steph Neville. That lair wouldn’t have been approved on street of an MP. Den Can we all spare a thought for nurses working over the festive period they work their ar**s off and don’t get paid enough at all with little appreciati­on. I wish them all a merry Christmas and a safe 2017. Teesside Girl Just wanna say a big thank you to all the volunteers, and charity workers of the UK, without them this country would be a sadder place. CHINNA MOSHA Nicole Scherzi says her character in a film has 2 have an abortion. She reckons it will upset her parents as thr anti abortion. Heres wot u do nic sit ur parents down. Then educate em thats it a part ur playing it aint 4 real. Quite simple nic. Swamp Duck we stopped for a coffee and a pastry at a coffee shop. When I got the bill, I had to phone quick quid. Steve Rhyl went to B&Q, ask the bloke in builders section for 20,000 bricks, 10 bags off cement, 20 bags off sand and a wire grill, he asked, “what are you building pal?” I said a barbeque.” He said “a barby with all them bricks”, i replied, “yep, i live on 13th floor in that high rise over there!” Delboy, langlees, falkirk Baby Jesus was born on Xmas day, did his parents have to buy 2 sets of presents? JAISTAR. Blackpool Rip walter swinburn brilliant classy jockey, sad news only 55. jn lpool Damon Anderson forumpics@dailystar.co.uk

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