Daily Star

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- ROGUE ONE: A Star Wars Story (12A)

WHEN the nostalgia buzz wore off, I decided last year’s The Force Awakens was not quite the new Star Wars film I was looking for.

Yes, it was lovely to see the old gang again but the recycled plot – droid delivers message, rebels target superweapo­n’s weak spot – seemed even more tired on a second viewing.

If they wanted us to queue up for a Star Wars film every year, it was clear they’d have to start taking a few risks.

Thankfully, they have done precisely that with the action-packed and surprising­ly gritty Rogue One.

Until now Star Wars has been described as “space opera”. This instalment is closer to space heavy metal.

In a breathless two-anda-quarter hours, British director Gareth Edwards serves up crashing spaceships, mind-melting aliens, killer droids and kung fu rebels.

We’ve barely been introduced to Diego Luna’s rebel Cassian Andor when we see him execute a disabled comrade.

In this standalone adventure, everyone has to get their hands dirty.

This is the story of how the plans for the first Death Star ended up with R2D2 at the start of the 1977 original movie.

It turns out the planetzapp­er was the brainchild of Ben Mendel-sohn’s villainous Director Krennic and the work of conflicted engineer Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen).

Stopping them becomes the rebels’ top priority – but in this grittier Star Wars, nothing is easy.

The rebels themselves have split into two factions. On Yavin 4, a council of various rebel factions bicker over every operation.

So it falls to a bunch of misfits to carry out the necessary heroics, led by Galen’s daughter Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones).

Star Wars fans will no doubt be pleased to see old favourite Darth Vader back.

But this film isn’t about looking backwards. In essence, it’s a war movie and Edwards keeps the momentum going with a string of stunning setpieces.

 ??  ?? HEROICS: Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso
HEROICS: Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso
 ??  ?? REBEL ROLE: Luna

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