Daily Star

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So Boris Johnson and Trump will be talking about improving US & UK relations? They probably will be discussing who has the best hair stylist! Let’s face it there’s not a lot of difference! It will all be hot hair. Kathy So we are supposed to trust BoJo and Trump to hammer out a new relationsh­ip between US and UK ahead of a great new post-Brexit trade deal? I wouldn’t trust either of em to know how to hammer a nail in a plank, never mind improve either country’s future prospects. YOWZA There’s no point whining about the £50billion bill Britain will face as a result of 4% of the electorate voting to leave the EU. There was always going to be a price to pay. Brexit fanatics are fond of claiming they knew what a leave vote would entail? Therefore I assume they were aware their leave vote would result in a £50billion sting in the tail? Seabird So Junker threatens UK will be punished for leaving the EU and have to pay 50 million. Did Germany pay all its war debt off? No as the UK helped Germany to write its debts off. anon Just shows you how evil Juncker is threatenin­g us over Brexit. Grow up you horrible little man. ANNE FIELD EU plot to punish UK with £50billion fine for brexit? only takes two words when dealing with EU parasites, first word begins with F... col How much longer are we going to put up with MPs and Lords antics? The contempt they show to the public sets them miles apart from the ppl of the once-greatest democracy in the world. Corruption greed, lies, and fiddles are all now accepted as part and parcel of the job. Bazboy just read about the scrounging b ***** d who thought it funny to claim benefits + then enjoy his holidays !!!!! No wonder people who are genuinely ill are punished by DWP + have their money taken away. Anna Bristol re raging ronnie prince william was not sitting on his backside two weeks ago when him and his team tried to save my mates mum o.k. Fen wulf Spot on Calstock kid, re England/ Scotland/Wales/Ireland uniting to make Britain great again. Fully agree. Sadly it won’t happen because the powers that rule and the nutters that love to thrive on the past and can only go back not forward. London rulers are hell bent on not sharing the finance pot fairly only fuelling their own bank accounts and the ones they rub shoulders with. Big Ted, Wednesbury Re: calstock kid. Great britain again? Ireland has never ever been part of Great Britain. Although they suggested part of it was during the 2012 Olympics. ie. TEAM GB. DAVE DOCK why has no one realised why there are more people on streets its because of universal credit rent and council tax goes straight to claimant in their bank and if they are drug or alcohol addicts they spend it on their habit. bedroom tax is another evil tax. stop it now please its so cruel. mac west, midlands do the staff at the DWP get a bonus for failing people’s PIP assessment­s. hope it brings you loads ov bad luck. dod So Jeremy Hunt still moaning about junior docs. Why does he not moan about big buddy Osborne making all that money from 6 jobs and not doing one of them right? Stockton jeff Just come out of City hosp. Seen first hand how docs and nurses r overworked overtired an def underpaid thanks 2 a disgracefu­lly corrupt Govt A big thanks 2 the 2 nicest ambulance men we laughed an joked they made me forget how ill i was. Bless em. Swamp Duck anne wolves – social care wont c a penny of the rise in council tax. The increase is to fill black hole pension funds for council staff. Time councils forced to have a clearout of staff who use their employment with councils as a gateway to stress-related benefits. Halve all council staff and make the remainder earn their keep, and account for every penny spent. Lily the pink How dare Blair remember McGuinness as a man of peace? he has never once said sorry for the murderous crimes he was involved in. The blood of innocent men women and children will forever remain on his hands. Mansfield Tony Corbyn called McGuinness. A great family man. So were a lot of the INNOCENT VICTIMS of the IRA ANTI corbyn Some guys in the pub were talking about a certain young lady when one remarked “She’s always got a smile on her face.” I thought ‘That’s true but then...where else would she have a smile?’ THE SURGERY REGULAR AL, DURHAM TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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