Daily Star

Terrorist kills 5 in Sweden

Five dead in horror attack at shopping centre

- ® by KATE NELSON kate.nelson@dailystar.co.uk

TERRORISTS hijacked a lorry and mowed down shoppers yesterday, killing at least five.

The attackers then fired shots at crowds in Sweden’s capital city Stockholm. Police said one arrested man has confessed.

FIVE people were killed when terrorists rammed a truck into a busy shopping centre yesterday.

Terrified shoppers dived for cover as the stolen beer lorry ploughed through a pedestrian­ised street in the centre of Sweden’s capital Stockholm.

It then crashed into a store window and burst into flames.

Witnesses said up to three men jumped from the vehicle and began firing guns and trying to stab people.

Armed police quickly tackled two of them to the ground.

A manhunt was launched for a third man, wearing a hoodie, who fled the carnage. He was later captured in the north of the city and police said he has admitted responsibi­lity for the attack.

British tourist Harriet RoseGale was just yards from the carnage and described seeing bodies covered with towels.

The 26-year-old journalist from Marlboroug­h, Wilts, said: “We could see a lorry and what we could only assume was a lifeless body in front of it.”

Police said dozens of shoppers were injured in the attack, some of them critically.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said the crash appeared to be “an act of terror”.

 ??  ?? ATTACK: Man arrested last night
ATTACK: Man arrested last night
 ??  ?? CARNAGE: The truck, shoppers carry an injured woman and, right, the captured terror suspect
CARNAGE: The truck, shoppers carry an injured woman and, right, the captured terror suspect
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 ??  ?? ®Ê HORROR: A man in scrubs walks past bodies in the street
®Ê HORROR: A man in scrubs walks past bodies in the street

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