Daily Star

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So the Supreme Court rules that dad was wrong taking his child out of school for a holiday. It’s time then something was done by the powers that be to stop travel companies hiking the prices in school holidays! A £60 fine for taking your child out of school for a holiday is a drop in the ocean compared to the money saved for doing it. So come on travel agents play fair. JAMIEPNE it’s not the parents who should be in court for taking their children out of school to go on holiday, it’s who ever is responsibl­e for putting up the cost of a family holiday during school holidays, they hung dick turpin for less. red raymond When our three boys were young we took em out of school during term time, and made sure they caught up with schoolwork with extra homework. One is a shift manager, one a R.A.F technician, and one a Sergeant in the army. Didn’t harm their education any harm. Bet the judges could afford over the top holl prices on their overinflat­ed wages. Kelv the trucker Supreme court Right to say Children should not be taken out of school BUT why don’t they do something about Travel Firms Profiteeri­ng in School Holidays. Tony Oxford Oh dear. What a comedown it will be for little Nancy Weston Bennett when she has to wear school uniform. Unfashioni­sta Fern Weston Bennett stop using Nancy for your own vanity and let her play instead of preening. Avon calling This is looking like WW3 about to happen. Trump will have to respond against Syria, even though Russia (supporting Assad) got Trump elected (allegedly). It’s now reported China are winning the trade war with the USA, and Trump is to take action. God help us if China get involved. Caravan Man Obama drew a red line against Assad using chemical attacks in Syria. That was 4 yrs ago. He didn’t keep his word. Trump has. Fair play 2 him, but we should seriously worry about the fallout. Ex Army Here we go. Kremlin says US airstrikes in Syria violate internatio­nal law. Brace yourselves, it’s about to kick off early, even though the world cup is due in Russia next year! Welsh Dragon Devil owner in Bolton suing police for shooting dead their dogs. Tough! Were the dogs running free? Yes. Were they dangerous to people? Yes. Did they attack people? Yes. Did the police have to act in the interests of the public knowing these dogs can and would kill? Yes. Knowing British law it will probably go soft and crumble under this case. Anyway if I had been attacked I would sue the dogs owner for assault. R Head The ban on American Pit Bull & Pit Bull cross didn’t last long did it. Like everything else, it’s forgot about in a few months. BONEHEAD I’m sat in Wyvenshaw hospital on ward 9F watching these nurses do such a fantastic job on our care. I saw the MP’S earlier, half weren’t there and half were looking asleep. The world has gone mad when our Angel nurses earn what they do and the fat cats just cream it up. Rod Snell to anon people who live in 3 bedroom houses on their own pay bedroom tax so pick on someone else you fool. colin swansea dawn: There r working ppl in UK who hav flogged their guts over 45 yrs earning a lot less than £20 thousand a yr and practised birth control knowing they cudnt afford 4 kids. No more child allowance. Get off yer back and work. Lily the pink HRH Charles u are a hypocrite, talking about global warming, then using a jetliner to go to europe. Why not go by train thro tunnel. It’s electric, more environmen­tally friendly. Mike Swindon With charlie and cami doing a prebrexit negotiatio­ns ‘tour’ they could pay us 50bn to make sure they don’t come back! Alan T We are told not to give kids sugar but every outlet is encouragin­g us to buy them sugar loaded Easter eggs? Emma so much for the great english premier league: in the starting line ups for top 6 teams in games played tues and weds this wk only 14 players would qualify to play for england. no wonder we never get far in tournament­s. ian suffolk got 1 of those new £1 coins it is dated 2016 – is it a forgery? SUNDANCE If all roads lead 2 Rome, how do I get 2 Milan? Smiffy Tip for the national, put your cash on Sat-Nav... it’s never lost! Andy the tiler I like jokes about eyes. The Cornea the better. IAN MURRAY, NEWBURY Did you see the state of poor old Des O’Connor on Harry Hills Alien Fun Capsule? I do wish celebs like himself would retire gracefully so we can remember them when they were at the top of their game. PHANTOM TEXTER You’ve got to hand it to Bradley Walsh! He’s a natural for the nightly show! Well done son! You can replace News at Ten anytime, but, please, make the show an hour long. MAVE, Yorkshire why don’t the BBC on Dr Who revisit skaro where the doctor first came face to face with the daleks as they were in the 60s. Pete Right, I predict that Denise Osbourne (Daniel’s mum) will be the one who pushed ken down the stairs in Corrie. Also that Sally’s stalker will turn out to be Jenny Bradley. Not that I watch Corrie much. LEO,LEEDS has anyone seen a vicar with such untidy hair as her on emmerdale. what a mess it is. tricia yks wish that airfix or one of the other kit makers would make kits of different sizes of Fireball xl5 or even xl5 junior the cockpit part bet it would sell like hot cakes. Jack in buntingfor­d Barry Manilow comes out 40yrs on. Unless you were deaf, blind and living on another planet we’ve known he’s gay for 50yrs. OH, MANDY TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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in Archeologi­sts up a Egypt dug in skeleton covered and nuts chocolate it’s they think – Pharaoh Rosha. Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published Text followed by a space, your comment and name to Texts 25p plus...

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