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I’VE been warned that unless I give a female boss regular, kinky sex, then I won’t get a big, upcoming job.

I run a small building company and a few weeks ago I did an emergency plumbing job at a local firm.

Now they’ve hinted I could get a contract for a big renovation.

The other day, the office manager asked me to go to her house to look at her taps.

But once I was there, she demanded sex. I got away with giving her a kiss and having a bit of a feel by saying that my car was on a meter.

But she’s since phoned me and made it very clear if I don’t give “satisfacti­on” I won’t be on the team.

I love my girlfriend but need this money.

What do I do?

MY dirty love-rat partner has made three other women pregnant.

I’ve just discovered that he’s donated sperm to his ex-partner, her sister and her mate.

He’s rather proud of himself. He believes he’s performing some kind of public duty. I’m furious with him.

What really upsets me is that he didn’t even have the guts to tell me the truth himself.

I had to find that out in the street.

A horrible bitch of a girl who used to go to my school took great delight in coming up to me and blurting out the truth.


She cooed: “I suppose you know all about your fella’s OTHER babies, don’t you?” I stammered: “What are you talking about?” and she was away.

She gave me names, times, places, due dates – the lot.

She explained that my fella had been putting it about for months. I was left reeling.

I jumped into a cab and went straight round to his work where I demanded the whole truth.

But instead of apologisin­g he boasted that he was actually something of a knight in shining armour.

I said: “These slags were impregnate­d with your sperm via a turkey baster, right?”

To which he laughed: “No way. Everything was done “normally” just as nature intended.”

In other words he had regular sex with a number of women (behind my back) in an effort to give them babies. How humiliatin­g is that for me? I’ve now spoken to everyone concerned, his ex, her sister and her mate and had massive rows with all of them.

It’s been like opening a can of worms. I realise that I’ve never really known him at all.

Now, clearly, all he cares about is getting his end away and creating a variety of “mini-mes”. What am I supposed to do?

JANE SAYS: This manipulati­ve woman is exploiting her position.

I suggest you expose her. She’s nothing to you. Go back to the firm and talk to her boss, explaining everything that has happened.

If you don’t get taken on board by this firm, then at least you’ll still have your self-respect.

Have faith in yourself; you got this work, so you’ll get more in the future. Vow to be profession­al, honest and true to yourself (and your girl).

There’s no getting away from the fact that there’s still a culture of “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” in the business.

But there’s a big difference between giving a customer a profession­al job and being sexually exploited. That’s not on. JANE SAYS: There’s no getting away from the fact that this is a complete mess.

But at least you’ve now seen your cheating, deluded partner for the rake he really is.

In his twisted mind he might believe that he is performing a public service, but there can be no excuse for having full sex, with a number of women, without your knowledge.

Tell him today that you’re done. The relationsh­ip has fallen apart and you’re now moving on.

Make it clear that he’s free to spread his seed as far and wide as he likes as a single, free man.

But do warn him, however, that there may be consequenc­es down the line. Unregulate­d sperm donation is potentiall­y risky. What if one of his baby mothers comes after him for money?

What if the resulting children demand to meet him?

How does he know that his sperm is free of infections, such as chlamydia and HIV and certain genetic disorders?

This kind of informatio­n can all be checked out on the NHS Choices website under Using a sperm donor: what you need to know.

There could be other legal and financial issues too, especially if he is charging these women (and others) for his services.

 ??  ?? LEFT REELING: She’s just discovered her fella is putting it about and getting girls pregnant
LEFT REELING: She’s just discovered her fella is putting it about and getting girls pregnant
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