Daily Star

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Thanks Mrs May! We are all in for seven weeks of lies and bulls**t! Why waste money on vote when there is NO credible opposition? Mooseman mrs may shudnt count her chickens. If anything is more unstable than kim jong uns haircut it’s british politics. Voters r weary of posturing and false promises. Lily the pink T may calls for Election? what’s the point mps tell lies no matter which party they represent. Should be OUT of EU NOW nothing to negotiate BREXIT MEANS OUT, all AID and PAYMENTS to EU ceased. col not voted for yrs its just lies lies lies. BUT wen i c 1st hand wot heartless Tory scum hav dun 2 the vulnerable, sorry cant stand corbyn but will vote “L”. jv God help us if Corbyn gets in the EU will walk all over us but he won’t, this could be the fall of Corbyn and Sturgeon. If the parties and the lords had worked with the government instead of going against them and the PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY no election. What’s the odds on that if they fail they will want another election. GRAFTER The pm could be shooting herself in the foot by calling a early general election, Just b’coz tories are ahead in polls does not mean labour have no chance. Alan Newcastle If you want a healthy NHS, & Schools you’ve got to vote Labour. ANNE FIELD Mays made a blunder, brexit should have been sorted out then have a election. The Derbyshire man crafty Mrs may calling an early election knowing full well she will probably win another term in office she as already gone back on immigratio­n for brexit. Joe ninety Always suspected that Johnson, Gove & Rudd stepped down quickly after Brexit result cos the plan was always to hold a General Election that would lead to Article 50 being scuppered, with only T May brave enuff to go thru with the scam as new PM. Public hav been conned. M Hunt NIGEL, after you deserted HMS Great Britain the Machiavell­ian ships cat took over, she is now set to become Admiral of the Fleet, Queen of Bedroom Tax, Head PseudoBrex­iteer and Chief Persecutor of the disabled, presiding over ATOS army. S.O.S. spare us from MAYday, welcome back aboard Captain Farage, if only. Bromull Calling all brexiters! Please get behind mrs May on june 8th. We need to get brexit thru and stop those who wish to destroy it! Pat. T. Wells This government gives nothing to disabled people and their carers. My son cares for his invalid wife, but if he gets a rise in his carer’s allowance, SHE gets an equal cut in her allowances. KC LEEDS People used to use pitchforks and torches – whatever happened to people power? WURZELS SIDEBURN can’t possibly vote 4 that idiot neo-hippy corbyn, so it’s back 2 the selfish me-me-me gov of tories. Only way 4ward is ukip but the fickle, gullible population will stick with their morbid, traditiona­l vote. Bantaman election is the torys way ov stopping any party stopping the cuts. kerry Vote tory on 8th june & kiss goodbye 2 the nhs as we know it. Ur pay 4 treatment like the usa. anonz The Bedroom tax causing misery and hardship for many. Benefit cuts causing misery and hardship to many. Money taken away from most vulnerable (the disabled) pushing them to suicide... and the tories claim a 21 point lead in the polls. Do you sense a fiddle somewhere? R Head Another election on june 8th, now is not the time miss may. N sturgeon Theresa May only called for a general election because she was overshadow­ed by the Man United V. Chelsea result. David, Rochdale I cant. believe the amount of This Morning fans who complained because the show was interrupte­d by the PMs speech regarding an election. Oh dear. L L COOL Cannot believe that people are surprised that only 3,500 asylum seekers have been deported out of 27,000, May could not defend our borders while under Cameron now she’s fit to run the country! REALLY. Steve Southend May not up for job she’s made a mess of Brexit and kicking out illegals. SCOUSE it was so nice to read that at least the Royals realise that Mental Health is a real illness... it’s just a shame that SO Called assessors from DWP think that mental health doesn’t exist and according to “them” people who suffer are just liars! Anne Bristol some bloke threw a lump of cheddar cheese at me, I thought how dairy! Danners Cornwall Jonny boy On ITV Susanna Reid helps a family with a morbid fear of leftovers – it don’t get more cutting edge than this. Dave Meatballs 7.30 sat kids program Dr Who shocking. tubby leven refuse to watch corry any more till those crappy script writers b **** y understand how tramatic it is avin someone close pass away with cancer. cut it out u unsensitiv­e sods, perhaps if you the writers ad someone close ill you wud understand an concentrat­e on livening the show up, it’s become deppresing. brian Oh no, not dreary, weary, Dermot O’LEARY again for The Nightly Show! Bring back Bradley Walsh and the show could be a permanent success. Mave the ballet on tv, the dancers were on their tip toes, why dont they just get taller people? tony worksop Lenny Henry’s acting on Broadchurc­h? Stick to being a comedian Lenny. Nastycol either my telly is getting smaller or eamon holmes is getting fatter, eaten too many easter eggs? ricky Er ‘not so alluring, sexy’ Nina Agdal, she cd sure do with eating! Julian, Hoddesdon Bethany in corrie is the spitting image of buzz lightyear. Frank teb TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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to Took the wife cos she Blackpool on a wanted a ride bloke said donkey. The but in a fiver usually it’s £2.50. Whys her case size of her the that? Well the have to carry she’ll donkey back! Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your...

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