Daily Star

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So Sean Mercer is finding it hard in prison. What a shame. Let him suffer, just like Melanie and Steve Jones have to every day. Mal the claret Mercer reckons he’s a dead man walking in Frankland nick. Better of than little Rhys Jones who can’t walk anywhere because of him. Alan T So that cowardly lowlife scumbag sean mercer moans that jail is too hard for him and wants a move to a softer jail. You deserve to rot in hell YOU SCUMBAG. DMAN So cretin Sean Mercer wants move from Frankland jail, tough! keep him there, jail is punishment not holiday camp. Kill someone take your chances in jail, it’s a ploy by him. Stockton jeff having listened to Prime Ministers Questions, are we only going to hear the Tories repeatedly spouting about “strong and stable leadership” for the next month? They jimmy it in to every question, refusing to answer any questions. She waffled rather than giving assurances to pensioners like me over the ‘triple lock’. Tell us what you plan to do and stick to it May. BA How many times is May going to repeat the mantra a strong and stable leadership. Wasn’t that stable or strong when she put up National Insurance then ditched the policy days later. judy bday grl Labours that desperate they have reverted to bribes to get into office. Why don’t their MPs donate their 11% pay rise to NHS workers. Or, bring back Mr Blair whose made millions since he ruined this country. LABOURIOUS Come on all you labour mps when you make a speech, give it like you mean it. Yas need to sell it to the people and ya just not. Joyce theresa may has shot herself in the foot after saying keeping foreign aid. All leavers should vote ukip. dont trust may. the woman just back tracks on everything. Ukipper Before Mrs May gives away any more of our money can she spend it on repairing our third world roads to a better standard than just filling in a few holes. Dave Notts wish at least one party would put abolition of the bedroom tax on thier to do list. stockton kev Speeding fines to double has nothing to do about safety, it’s all about money. JASPER Watched brill Warship on CH4 all ab8 HMS Ocean, pride of the fleet, proud to be British. Oh, hang ab8, cos of cuts its going to be sold to the Brazilian Navy! Nice one Teresa Mayday, but wot will u do with the millions? how ab8 foreign aid cos we are loaded and don’t need it! Mugs. JIMBOB Just a short Geography lesson for all you Nuclear deterrents out there. No matter where you stand on mainland U.K. You are never more than 85 miles from the sea drop – one bomb on the UK and we are back in the 4th century. Kendoscaff So Andi Oliver says the BBC only offered her the job on Great British Menu because she is middle aged and black. Am I the only one who would refuse a job if it was merely offered on the grounds of race and age rather than my actual ability to do it? L L COOL how many of the people going on about how the royals are a drain on taxpayers are themselves on benefits and able to go to work, they are the biggest drain on our society? Fen wulf felt so sad for Jessica Samwell,whose husband was killed trying to stop his car being stolen. Wished i cld give her huge Hug. i.k To Robtin and TOPPER; It’s not beards I have a problem with, it’s people who copy each other with every craze. I like people with a mind of their own. CHARLTON GARRY A few years ago everest the glazing firm told us their double glazing was the best. So how come they are now trying to sell us triple glazing? Might need it if your house is on the peak of Mount everest. WINDY MILLER Kate Prices 9yo daughter is bringing a book out. If you didn’t laugh you would cry. Next a film ‘for a few dollars more ‘no shame kate. AL So Kim jong Un is going to sink a US aircraft carrier that explains why he visited a pig farm to make sure he’s got somewhere to hide after, the swine. Cobra hey hardy it was a combined french and spanish fleet at trafalgar, didn’t you do history at school. mr coffee I actually bought and scoffed a big bag of liquorice pontefract cakes yesterday. They kept me “Going” for ages. Grant Hately they still make Pontefract cakes, my cousin had some last week. his dad has dementia & parkinsons but can remember them from his childhood, so my cousin got him some. TOPPER BROS were on good morning britain – they were still wearing the leather jackets they wore 30yrs ago, poor lads. MINGERS the violent attack on emmerdale was very uncomforta­ble 2 watch but the 2 actors done the scene justice. Well done 2 zoe henry + jonathan wrather 4 their brilliant acting 4 what must of been a difficult scene 2 film. tv fan Re Scouse: 60 hours of snooker is exactly why I don’t mind paying the licence fee. That’s worth it. What isn’t is the repeats BBC show. Ian H. Bradford how can tracy sleep with rob in corrie, he probably hasn’t had a wash in weeks with him being in hiding. Yuk! Heather j Pictures of Kim K’s a-se should have WIDE LOAD sticker on it like lorries. Makes the Thames Barrier look small. Alan T last time I saw an a--e like Kim Kardashian­s it was pulling a stagecoach. biz Kim Kardashian, absolutely awful. Better looking barmaids at my local and some of them are real horrorshow­s! Mongoose big heads was really funny good entertainm­ent!! We all need a good laugh. Angie Rochdale no wonder manford made a mess of presenting “Bigheads” he aint any gud as a comic either! he wants 2 go bac 2 what hes gud at, bein a pot-collector! PK, BOLTON TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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