Daily Star


Another attack by a dangerous dog on a young child. The law should be a lot tougher if owners can’t control their animals. We all know American bulldogs are bred for the wrong people, as a icon not a pet. UKIP OXFORD 11 fatal stabbings in London in 2wks shows our knife laws are as much use as a hot dog. gun laws are the same, shootings in all major cities every wk. If this was in America this page and the uk papers wld be in full cry screaming about what they shd do about their laws. “Not a muff” about ours. Come on let’s hear you. Bazboy Lowest rainfall for 20yrs, Tories the only Party with a manifesto (however implausibl­e), Mr Macron does a U-turn on punishing Brexit, more £billions ‘disappear’ from defence coffers, Mmm, where has that bloody Putin been for the last week? Bromull Fracking. The privatisat­ion of the NHS. Schools starved of cash. The retirement age being raised to 70 and beyond. The return of fox hunting. If that’s what you want, vote Tory on June 8. Seabird the welfare system born in the brave new world of the late forties is dying after 70 yrs. Us baby boomers born in the 50s and paid into the system r the losers. Now in our 60s, there r constant threats of increases in state pension age and gps offering us antidepres­sants to keep working. Mismanaged by greedy politician­s for years. Shame on them. Lily the pink To all you texters who think the Torys are out to destroy the NHS. 7% of the NHS is privatised and 5% of that was privatised by guess who, the labour party, yeah the so called party of the people. blue its woz cringewort­hy watchin j hunt on tv sayin there’s more doc & nurses. doc May a strong and stable leader? Remember the passport fiasco. MAYhem. 10s of thousands of migrants? Last year 273,000. Vote tory for brexit MAYhem. Gery livi weak coward theresa may wont appear in leaders debate tv but is copping out to go on question time, tories are taking the p***, she should grow some b***s. jason b it’s a rerun of the 1983 election, massive tory majority and a new split of the labour party if corbyn doesn’t resign after losing. joe the liberal democrats are still opposing brexit, perhaps they should remove the democrat bit from their name. Fen wulf The tories keep on winning seats because they get the thick working class vote who don’t vote for who they should and somehow think the tories will help them. DD why dont theresa may get off her fat tory backside and meet some real people instead of hanging out with a bunch of tory cronies who avoid the poor and working class like they got the plague. jim So the QUEEN can drive home without a SEAT BELT ON?! Hallo? Is it one rule for us mere mortals and different one for the privileged? me Prince Philip is patron to Wildlife Trust yet went around shooting anything that moved. Hypocrite. SCOUSE Water boards say there could be a shortage of H2O this summer. I’m doing my bit to help, I dilute mine with scotch. Ajay Now the CO-OP is only buying British Beef wot’s the bet there’ll be another convenient Mad Cow scare to make us buy European. DAN reading squid and chips could replace fish and chips, who seriously wants to eat rubber? Stevie, m/well mealworms crickets, frogs legs – best if u can stop them kickin peas off plate. pete the blade I’m nearly 60 years of age. And I still wouldn’t touch Kate Price with a barge pole. LEO F Re Floyd about trains being built in Japan why not here. Good heavens. has he forgot what a complete and utter disaster Britain made of their last attempt to build the leaning train. Colin re Tom Belfast just because a footballer gets well paid doesn’t mean he is immune to stress and mental health issues. keep your stupid ill informed comments to yourself pal. gts anyone who thinks rich footballer­s shouldn’t get depressed doesn’t understand mental illness at all. I’ve been there and there are days when no amount of money or love of family and friends can make you feel good. then you feel worse because you feel guilty for not appreciati­ng what you have. fair play to aaron lennon and kelly smith and all the other celebs who have been brave enough to raise this, lets stop the stigma. barney can i put a bet on hulk hogan to win big brother now? guy’s a legend in the ring and a gent out of it. he’ll walk it. mack the nice LEO,LEEDS If Stephen Graham doesn’t get an award for his portrayal of Detective Dave Kelly in Little Boy Blue, then there is something seriously wrong. JoM So TV bosses have come up with an idea for a crime-busting game show called Armchair Detectives. This was done in the 70s with Whodunit? Can’t they come up with anything original? Godfree Sledgehamm­er As a avid reader of the DS at the age of 81 and a watcher of TV’s Rip Off Britain may I give readers some advice. When my phone rings I answer it with “Police Head Quarters”. It’s surprising how quickly cold callers put their phones down. OLD TIMER do we really need all them credits at the end of tv programs. who bothered wot caterers they use or who does judge judy’s make up. SUNDANCE Inside The Gang c5 mon: they were just a bunch of “littleboys” whose mummys prob still wash & bath em? clive sweeney do steph mc govern + dan walker own breakfast b.b.c news? how many jobs do they want when reporting on the jobless they should hang their heads in shame it would not be so bad if they were any good. They are so wooden. If Louise left the show would collapse. cheesed off TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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