Daily Star

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I LONG to help and comfort my sick partner, but she’s pushing me away.

She has cancer and tells me not to waste my life. She says she loves me but needs me to find a new woman.

She won’t allow me to accompany her on hospital visits and won’t tell me anything about her treatment.

I love her to bits, but there’s only so much rejection I can stand. I cooked a meal and took it up to her on a tray.

I’d done all of her favourties – prawns, steak and chocolate cake – yet she left the whole lot untouched and asked for a bowl of cereal. That hurt.

I’VE been conned again and feel such a fool.

I sometimes wonder if I have “mug” stamped across my forehead.

Five years ago a friend asked me to lend her £5,000, which I never got back. Then, in 2014, a colleague sold me a car that was a complete write-off.

Now I’m licking my wounds for a third time and wondering if I can ever trust my judgment again.

Last year I met a guy on the internet who blew my mind. He was charming, smooth and so convincing.

He told me I was beautiful and the woman he wanted to have his babies with.


I allowed him to sweet talk me into bed where the sex was electric, but the pillow talk was even more intriguing.

Basically, he whispered that he was successful and wealthy and wanted to make me rich.

He seemed to know everything about City investment­s, the property market and gambling.

He was supremely confident and utterly convincing. It didn’t take me long to start offering up my savings for him to invest.

But every single thing he told me about himself was a lie.

He got me to cough up £2,500 in a “dead cert” of a share deal. A few days later he handed me £500, my “profit”, and I was hooked.

I remortgage­d my flat and even borrowed cash from my boss. I now realise the £500 was bait.

He simply handed me back some of my own money to prove that he was a financial whizzkid, but he wasn’t.

He was nothing but a hard-nosed thief and I have never felt more stupid – or scared – in my whole life.

JANE SAYS: You’ve got to respect your partner’s decision.

If she’s feeling dreadful, if she’s worried and is in pain and has lost her hair, then, maybe, a rich meal wasn’t at the very top of her wish list.

Especially if the prawns were fiddly and the steak needed cutting. I suspect she is striving to protect you.

She loves you and doesn’t wish you to see her like this. She has her pride and wants you to remember the person you first fell in love with.

Step back and let her know you accept her position. Tell her this is not the way you want it to be, but you’ll keep your distance if that’s what she wants.

But you have no interest in anyone else and will be back like a shot the minute she feels stronger and gives the word. Check out macmillan.org.uk regarding support. JANE SAYS: You have been the victim of a deliberate and calculated crime.

You have to report this whole matter to the police. Tell them everything you’ve told me.

I know you’re embarrasse­d and feel humiliated and stupid, but you have to come out from under that duvet and turn this man in. You can’t let him get away with this or, go on to fleece another victim.

The sad truth is that there are fraudsters all around us – people who would happily relieve us of our last penny without a second thought or an ounce of conscience.

As you have now found out to your cost, if something seems too good to be true, then the chances are it is…

You allowed yourself to be flattered and seduced by a smoothtalk­er who made you feel good and promised you riches – an irresistib­le combinatio­n. All you can do now is learn your lesson from this, brush yourself off and start again.

You can’t allow him to drag you down or finish you off.

Hold your hands up, tell your family and friends that you’ve been a fool and see what help they’re willing to give you.

Visit your GP if you’re stressed and feel you could do with some profession­al help.

Yes, money has been lost and your pride has taken a heavy blow, but you’re still alive.

The big fightback starts here.

 ??  ?? SMOOTH-TALKER: She was swept off her feet and into bed, but now she feels so humiliated
SMOOTH-TALKER: She was swept off her feet and into bed, but now she feels so humiliated
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