Daily Star

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Maggie Thatcher would have been at the live TV debate in a shot. When she did PMQs the questions weren’t seen in advance, so a team could prepare her responses. May can’t think on her feet, she needs scriptwrit­ers. Not a good sign for her Brexit negotiatio­n skills, running away from conflict. Thatcherit­e The arrogance of May not turning up to the TV debate. Who does she think she is, royalty? Meg How can Mrs May keep on talking about strong and stable leadership when she refused to join the live TV debate? Is it a sign of weakness from the PM? anony At least Jeremy Corbyn is a proper leader, unlike Theresa May who didn’t have the guts to do the tv debate. She’s only a figurehead, she was the best of a bad bunch when Tories chose a leader. holly What a cat fight the debate was on wednesday. waste of time. glad mrs may wasn’t there for that, she’s better than all of the others put together. give her your vote on thursday. jum Let’s all vote for Labour, all go on increased benefits, stuff working! Unbelievab­le. Mooseman If Corbyn and Abbott can’t do their maths, and other national issues that confuse them, then 4 UK’s sake, Theresa’s the obvious choice. She knows her figures 4 brexit, and that’s what the people voted 4. See sense. Capt Sensible EU laugh at uk. one country 2 dictate to 27 others? not likely. jane Let’s see more of teresa may. not the politician, the glamour model. phil plum I hope everyone votes against austerity on the 8th. high time the bankers and fat cats got clobbered. stevie, m/well What have the tories done to help the disabled and children living in poverty? anon Re Dave, Manchester: Spot on. Terrorists must be quaking in their sandals at thought of a telling off from a vicar’s daughter. Den, Perth I may be an old fogey of 71 and never heard of Ariane Grande but how nice of her to organise the concert. And respect to Liam Gallagher too. God bless Manchester. Calstock kid So Grande, Bieber, Perry, Williams, Coldplay and Take That will all perform. That’s £6million to the poor families, if these all give £1m each out of their bank accounts. There goes a pink pig flying over a house. Coleen So Dame Carol Black wants to shame fat people like smokers, Doesn’t she know that most fat people are ex-smokers? bob the brit Who does Dame Carol Black think she is, suggesting overweight people should be shamed or bullied? In other words, welcome to Tory Britain. Bullying’s acceptable. BT It’s obvious from the article pg5 mon that some lardy legged females are jealous of alesha dixon’s fantastic pins. ch garstang See Sir Cliff Richard has got his compensati­on from South Yorkshire Police. I hope he realises that this is taxpayers’ money he has received. Likewise any money he gets from the BBC will be fee payers’ money. As such he should do the Christian thing and give it to a charitable cause or causes. Nigel, Sheffield Mark. It’s public money and Cliff not exactly skint. Emma So Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi’s remains are in the morgue. Why? Why don’t his parents come and collect them? Too ashamed, I’m sure. Who’s paying to have them sent to libya? Us, of course. Soft touch Britain. katie Salman Abedi’s body being sent to Libya is the only solution. He may have been born in the UK but burying him here would be an outrage. He seems to have many connection­s in Libya anyway. Farouk Crosshill All the Tory toffs who want to reinstate fox hunting should be allowed to do so, but only after they have passed a test. The test is they are abandoned in a forest and a pack of hungry wolves let loose. Maybe then they would understand the fear the fox suffers. Leave the foxes alone, they have as much right to life as you. Willie Graham, Bristol Been wondering who Donald Trump reminds me of. Mussolini, check out the pout, yes it’s him. Been reborn in the U.S.A. Reincarnat­ion must be true. Yogi Glasgow I was halfway through eating a horse when I thought to myself, I am not as hungry as I thought I was. tony worksop My mate hates his surname Potato. But not as much as his wife Jackie does, mind. PUBLUNCH Peter Kay should be the new Doctor Who. DALEK BREAD! WASP When ITV ant and Dec and GMB do competitio­ns to win £50,000, it’s viewers’ money that they give away. Calls cost £3.50. Why not 20p? Mick the morph So they are bringing BGT final to Saturday so it doesn’t clash with the benefit concert. Why? Because ITV would not only lose viewers but make no money from viewers phoning up to vote. twizzle top Simon Cowell is tone deaf. Thought screachy Sarah, who murdered Prince, was best singer ever, yet Leah, who had a brilliant operatic voice, he wasnt impressed with. Show is about talent so why r best acts voted out? GINNY P When is someone going to tell keith lemon that he ain’t funny? His latest show takes on films is absolutely pathetic. ric wals Where’s Pierce gone 2 in Emmerdale, it can’t b the end of this storyline. I can c him back in the village soon acting likes nothing’s happened and rhona ending up in jail. Heather j Sooty and Sweep reserrecte­d advertisin­g pet insurance! Next it’ll b Pinky and Perky promoting bacon and The Clangers party political broadcasts. Leave our childhood chums out of advertisin­g! Lily the pink TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? 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 ??  ?? call a What do you 3 man who wears do Max! What raincoats? man who wears you call a & shouts 3 raincoats every 10 sausages” “green Max! And minits? Mad call a man what do you & 3 raincoats who wears cemetery? stands in a Bygraves! Max Dave, Widnes Cost...
call a What do you 3 man who wears do Max! What raincoats? man who wears you call a & shouts 3 raincoats every 10 sausages” “green Max! And minits? Mad call a man what do you & 3 raincoats who wears cemetery? stands in a Bygraves! Max Dave, Widnes Cost...

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